Enable webdav

Thank You.

And how Can I Access the Database? Which Tool do I need? Maybe you can give me a little Instruction how i get access to the DB?

I don’t know much about SQL :frowning:


I already replied with the exact instructions. You need to ssh and run those commands.

OK. And how can i connect via SSH to the MyCloud Mirror? i activated SSH on the dashboard and what next?


You’re on the wrong forum section. This is for WDMyCloud not WDMyCloud Mirror. I do not have a WDMyCloud Mirror and not sure of it’s the same.

Please go to this WDMyCloud Mirror section instead: http://community.wd.com/t5/WD-My-Cloud-Mirror/bd-p/mycloud_mirror

OK Thank you. But there can’t find a tip to connect via SSH. Can you explain to me how it works on a My Cloud? I can try thi on the My Cloud Mirror


Depending on your OS, i.e. for Windows use an app called putty. Then connect to your WDMyCloud Mirror after enabling SSH in the Dashboard. I.e. for Mac from the terminal “ssh root@wdmycloud”. You should be informed of the default password for root when you enable SSH.

Nazar78 wrote:

Below should fix your issue. It’s due to existing WD’s config.


  1. Disable your new site config thus removing the symlink, run:

a2dissite wdnas5080;

  1. Move your config to the conf.d path, run:

mv /etc/apache2/sites-available/wdnas5080.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/;

  1. Restart the daemon (required due new listening port 5080), run:

service apache2 restart;

  1. Access the new webdab, browse:




Hi Nazar78

Hoping to get some help from you. I’ve been successfully running a second webdav based site on TWO of my WD my cloud drives for several months based on your steps above.

Over the past few days it stopped working. Long story short, its stopped working on both my drives at the same time. 

No firmware udpates on the WD drives.

Tried from multiple devices to access the page but it seems to get redirected as follows:

Page link is: http://WD_IP:51581/web

When i try to open using browsers on my multiple PCs, i get the webdav login, once i enter that I get redirected to “http://WD_IP:51581/UI” . I know the default WD gui is located at that page /UI but on port 80. This displas an error

Not Found

The requested URL /UI was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

I have tried from my android phone which i use regaulary to access the webdav share via an android app. That also doesnt work anymore.

Recently i had updated my openwrt router and thought maybe thats causing the issue. Today i connected both drives directly to the PC using static IPs but i get the same problem. 

I’m totally lost now. NO CONFIG HAS CHANGES ON THE WD DRIVES. I have an old mybook live that i had initially setup webdav on long time ago. I powered that on and webdav is working fine on that!!!

Could it be that western digital has some how patched soemthing on the drives silently?

The apache configs are as follows:

nas1:/DataVolume/shares# cat /etc/apache2/ports.conf

If you just change the port or add more ports here, you will likely also

have to change the VirtualHost statement in


This is also true if you have upgraded from before 2.2.9-3 (i.e. from

Debian etch). See /usr/share/doc/apache2.2-common/NEWS.Debian.gz and


deprecated in apache 2.4

##NameVirtualHost *:80

Listen 80

<IfModule mod_ssl.c>

SSL name based virtual hosts are not yet supported, therefore no

NameVirtualHost statement here

Listen 443


nas1:/DataVolume/shares# cat /etc/apache2/conf.d/wdnas51581.conf 

<VirtualHost *:51581>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost

DocumentRoot /shares

Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None

Alias /webdav /shares

<Location /webdav/>
Dav On
Options Indexes
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from all
AuthName DeviceUser
AuthType Digest
AuthDigestDomain /webdav
AuthDigestProvider file
AuthUserFile /etc/nas/apache2/auth/htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /etc/nas/apache2/auth/htgroup
Require valid-user


I found out that i can access files over the above webdav site by pointing directly to a file. However directory listing is not working. TCP capture shows error " Error 405 Method not allowed"

You need this:

<VirtualHost *:51581>

ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost

DocumentRoot /shares

Options +Indexes FollowSymLinks

AllowOverride None

Thanks. I think you have a typo there with a + before the indexes. I tried indexes but it didn’t make any difference. As I mentioned this has been working fine as is before. I was able to see the directory listing of just /webdav. But now I have to do /webdav/share_name
I have numerous apps on my android phone, iPad etc that have book marks to the WebDAV location. Now those bookmarks don’t work anymore…I had to go about updating them to point to the share under WebDAV directory instead…

I meant + is to add.

Most probably you did some changes to the modules, try:

a2enmod autoindex && service apache2 restart

Nope no touching the Nas att all. Especially both of them!

what does the autoindex do? In any case im ok with the way its working now. 

Thanks for your help.

You can read more here http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_autoindex.html

I revive this post to know with which firmware version in My Cloud gen 2 single bay is it possible to perform this procedure?
Thanks for the information