Docker support in OS5?


what about docker support in OS5? Currently it is the only viable option to circumvent WD´s lack in the app department.

Below post indicate that docker support is broken in OS, could you please give a comment what is planned?

Docker for os5 is coming aiui. Afaik this is done by an independent developer and not supported by wd. That‘s why the os5 upgrade doesnt warn you that it will disappear.

@corwin_x, It looks like WD have fully removed any docker components out of the new OS 5 firmware and the kernel that ships with it does not support all the necessary components that docker needs to run correctly. I posted another forum post asking WD for access to the GPL for the OS5 release so I could see how they compiled the kernel and confirm my suspicions, but was told they are not releasing GPLs for the pre-releases. Until we can see what kernel options they are specifically compiling in, we won’t be able to see what bits are missing and then submit requests to WD for using docker.

In the meantime, if you really want to run docker on your WD products the only option is to not upgrade to OS5 and to remain on OS3.




@htb , since you seem to be in touch with devs, would it be possible to raise the nonworking Docker issue in OS5?

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Hi all,

I have seen the copy of the .config files used to build the kernels for OS5 and can confirm that the required “MQUEUE” kernel option for docker to function correctly is NOT enabled. If we are to use docker on these moving forward, WD will need to tweak the kernel setting in a newer release to enable this.

Good luck getting them to do this however, as I requested a few years ago for kernel settings to be enabled when diagnosing why the EX4100 units have a tendency to lock up and require a loss of power in order to reboot and got silence.

Part of the reason why my primary NAS is now a QNAP :slight_smile:



@WD_Admin are you prepared to look at the above?
Loss of Docker is a BIG deal for many people.


This is a MASSIVE loss. WD are nuts to do this. Many folks have leveraged the docker instance to make the NAS incredibly. Powerful. Zero chance I’ll be upgrading until this is restored.


Hi all,

Just installed the 5.04.114 release onto my EX4100 and suprise, suprise, docker still does not work and still does not look like it has the MQUEUE kernel support compiled in. WD asked us for feedback, and it looks like the feedback was ignored.

Why bother ?



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This morning I received the email stating My Cloud had a new version. I was happy and ready to install, yet I saw a small note indicating I must reinstall all my applications, so I did a quick check if all my applications where supported… I use docker very much, home assistant, esphome, pihole, mosquito, portainer… All my smart home system works with containers under docker. If I had installed the new my cloud 5 I would have lost my complete smart home functionality, I would be very very pissed.

I think that up front WD should put a big note stating the applications that doesn’t work under my cloud 5, docker should be the first one listed.

I will not update to My Cloud 5 until docker is 100% supported and bug free.

Well. . . from what I have seen, the “beta” program was focused on bug fixes. . . . not feature issues.

From what I have seen in the beta program; I will bet that there was a “functional spec” written for OS/5 - - - probably based upon a glossy powerpoint presentation - - -and that functional spec does not appear to have been open for discussion with the user base.

Probably because changing functionality in the beta test would have blown up the timeline (and software budget) for this release. I would not underestimate the need for, and the amount of, under the hood changes required to improve security and develop the new Web/app interface.

Unfortunately, most of the feedback has actually been related to functionality. . . .
. . . .and this will likely be the focus of the user judgement on the software.

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Ok, this is just annoying now, and WD would do well to provide some additional guidance to the community here. Docker on the PR2100/PR4100 works just fine for me (YMMV).

It does, however, require the install of an “app” to enable it. The app can be found here: OS5 packages · Issue #57 · WDCommunity/wdpksrc · GitHub (specifically at this link:

It appears the specifics of this thread are primarily related to the EX4100 device which apparently no longer supports Docker.


Yessss!!! Seems to be working for me too (PR4100). Hooray!!! That’s SUCH good news.


Agree with you 100% on your comments, however in the old OS3 release, the kernel was compiled with MQUEUE support and I believe the default is to compile it into the kernel, so this means that WD made the conscience decision to not include it in the kernel explicitly.




Looks like they have used different compile options for the kernel on the PRX100 series compared to the EX4100.

@Tfl has done some great work preparing a number of packages for use with OS5. :slight_smile:



Thank you so very much. I updated to OS5 today, and I couldn’t get the old docker .bin to install. My heart dropped into my stomach.

Yes, we should all be sending him/her/them ale vouchers (aka cold hard cash)

I have a PR2100 I try MyCloudPR2100_docker_19.03.8 it installs fine with no issues but when trying to login to Portainer I get this error " Failure Unable to retrieve endpoints " I did upgrade to My Cloud OS 5

on EX2 Ultra it installs fine, even “dockerd” daemon is running, but containers cannot be run since “MQUEUE” capability is missing. What a shame. I really want to downgrade to OS3 now :frowning:

Hi all,

Looks like WD are looking into the issues with Docker seriously :

Docker : While Docker was not officially supported in My Cloud OS 3, we understand this is important for you. We are looking into a way to configure our Linux Kernel configuration so Docker can be manually added. This task may take some time, and we will let you know as soon as we have an update.

Full post @ Update on My Cloud OS 5 Feedback

Docker was originally supported on the OS3 platform and was the chosen way to deploy new applications until they made the current packaging platform available for OS3, but who is picking straws here. :slight_smile:


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v5.06.115 announced compatibility with Docker as it added POSIX_MQUEUE and SECCOP support to kernel for EX2 Ultra.

But it seems the OS5 Docker package still does not work correctly on EX2 Ultra.

More details in thread here.