Displaying problem

Does anyone know how to fix that?
I’m using WDMyCloud 4TB and it used to be nice circle, showing how much space I have left and what’s using all that space.
Now it’s just like that, and not sure if that’s how it should be.
It’s the same after I reboot device, and it’s showing it like this in all browsers.

Any advice?

Have you tried doing a 40 second reset? Sometimes that fixes strange issues with the My Cloud.


I also tried that, but once again it’s the same problem.
After reboot it seems to be fine, but the next day I check it, it’s back to that weird buggy look.

It was the same problem with my previous device that I had to RMA it. But that was because HDD inside failed and stopped working.

It seems like is the problem on all those devices.

The ‘content scan’ is associated with Cloud Access; if you turn Cloud Access on, the content scan restarts.

I might be tempted to try toggling Cloud Access, and see if that sorts out the pie chart.

Gen 1/v4 firmware Dashboard has a front panel ‘Content Scan’ status box, that appears to have been removed for Gen2/v2, and it’s not described in the User Manual. There is an entry in the Gen2 User Manual index, though, which points to the page number of the associated section in the Gen1/v4 OS3 firmware user manual. Nice editorial work…

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Thanks a lot for your reply.
I just turned back on my cloud service and it’s working like a charm once again :slight_smile:

That solved my problem.


It’s a shame that you don’t seem to be able to have the content summary without Cloud Access enabled. Summary and no cloud access seems a perfectly legitimate combination.