Delete backup & start afresh

I have reorganized & cleaned up my hard drives, i.e. deleted unwanted files.  I will never need these files again so wish to remove them from the backup.  I understand that I cannot delete old backup files.  How can I delete the complete backup & start afresh?

Delete the backup folder ( smartware_stor ) from the drive

uninstall the software and download the latest version

Hi Wizer

Have been busy and just got back to this yesterday.  I deleted the folder “WD Samrtware_stor”, installed the latest version and restart WDSmartware.

I am getting a meesgae that there is “no writable WD Smartware partition available”.

What do I do now?

Make sure the drive has the latest firmware and if it doesn’t update it

make sure the drive is been recognized by the PC

uninstall and reinstall the software

Can you access the files in the external hard drive?

Got it working.

Firmware up to date

PC recognizes drive & can read files

Went to Help and clicked on Update Software; WD Smartware updated(?) the software despite already on version 1.6.0; It then went to the backup process & is now backing up my files.

Thanks for your help