Connect through public IP on Mac OSX and the finder (Mount drive)

Hi all,

I have purchased a My Cloud recently running on v2.30.165. My end goal is to put my entire ITunes media on the drive and be able to mount the drive through my mac’s finder from my home network or when on the road. Before I do this I would like to be able to connect from my public ip and test external access, but I am not winning.

Reading various help afticles and other blog posts there is no clear way to enable this to happen without using the WD apps or web interface.

I got excited when I saw a help article reference WebDAV but I can’t find that option on the NAS settings page. I have cloud access enabled and http and https ports forwarded as instructed but still nothing. What am I doing wrong? From the fnder I am trying to connect to the ip and shared folder but it never finds the drive or asks for a password. Using smb://wdmycloud works perfectly.

Any help is much appreciated. We can then get into a disussion about static IP and DNS services but let’s get the NAS connected with the IP with my current IP. Thanks!

You mean FTP?

[quote=“ewydler, post:1, topic:210233”]
I got excited when I saw a help article reference WebDAV but I can’t find that option on the NAS settings page[/quote]

You won’t. The following article:

…Does not apply to the single-bay WD My Cloud. There’s no mention of WebDAV on its user manual while there is for all other members of the WD My Cloud family.

Try mapping with AFP as a Registered User as opposed to SMB.

WD removed the ability to remotely mount MyClouds about 18 months ago. Your only route is a VPN, I think. There are plenty of discussions about ‘remote mapping’ on the forum.

To enable remote access via the mobile app or portal, you need to enable cloud access, and configure port forwarding rules in your router, and define the ports you assign in the MyCloud interface.

So you might specify ports 8080 and 8443 in the Dashboard, and map external port 8080 to internal port 80, and 8443 to 443. Apply these rules to the MyCloud.

The Dashboard ought to confirm port forwarding connection established.

If not, you probably have a network or router problem.

Thanks for the response! I am not trying to connect via FTP. I would like to have the drive appear in my finder so it can be accessed by applications like iTunes. How do I map with AFP?

Thanks for the response cpt_paranoia. Why would WD remove this feature? I have cloud access and those ports configured but what is the next step? It says Port forwarding connection established. I have no clue how to now use my public ip to mount the drive either by smb, afp, http or https. I don’t have another machine at home to setup a VPN. The reason for buying WD MY Cloud was to free up all the space on the laptop as it can’t hold the ITunes library anymore. If I can only see the NAS from my home network this is useless :frowning:

Same as SMB, but typing AFP instead.

I think Trancer mis-read your comment about SMB. That you can access via SMB.

I think the suggestion to try AFP was because Trancer thought you couldn’t access via SMB…

AFP/SMB: neither will work remotely.

Who knows? They have never once given a justification for any of the changes they have made to their products, at least that I have seen.

I think the user community assumed some fatal vulnerability had been identified in WebDAV, but it may just be yet another bit of fiddling with their ‘vertically-integrated product line’; i.e. get users to pay out for a ‘higher performance’ product one step up their product line. How long before they take away the functions of the higher product…? A similar approach was taken with the (silent, unannounced) launch of the Gen2 MyCloud, which took away the ability to be an end point for remote backup (Safepoint/Backup).

It was a mighty unpopular change, taking away one of the primary advertised features of the product.

Check out your router’s capabilities. If may provide a VPN server that will allow you to access your network remotely, as if you were local.

WD has NEVER informed its users as to why they removed it. There have been numerous requests to bring it back. As you can see by the following thread they have NO plans to bring it back.

It is all very puzzling. The closest I have got now is to enable FTP access and mount the drive in finder. I don’t know if this is the best way to do it but at least I see my files and will see what happens if I point iTunes to that location.

I’d be surprised if iTunes is able to access via FTP.

Also bear in mind that FTP traffic is not encrypted in transit, so don’t use it to transfer anything you wouldn’t want public.

Have you investigated to see if your router offers a VPN function?