Clean OS (Debian), OpenMediaVault and other "firmwares"

Did you try to update your sources.list with your extra repo?  Check your repos? Is it listed therre?

cat /etc/apt/sources.list

 If it is there did you update your repos?

apt-get update

 Did it work or not?

This is how to add a repo and update…

>> /etc/apt/sources.list

echo deb stable main >> /etc/apt/sources.list

 Then add the repo in that you want the same way as above. Then  you will need to update all your packages.

apt-get update

I couldn’t find any armhf repository for Plex so I cannot test them.

All that I found have binaryes only for x86 machines.

Plex Media dont have ARM builds (Official).

But we can use binarys for raspberyPI or Cubieboard (Unofficial).

Go to google…

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First of all, thanks @Fox_exe for this procedure and all the great files.  I love it when there are open alternatives to hardware.

– Fox_exe, or anyone else that has installed this successfully.

I am trying to perform the clean Debian installation and having an issue getting started, I am comfortable in Linux but not an expert.  I understand the risk and am willing to take them, I just need a couple quesitons answered.

Do I:

A) Telnet into the MyCloud and perform all the steps there as shown in the ‘Howto create you own rootfs.txt’ file?

B) Or do I need to do this on another Linux installation then dd that over to the MyCloud device?

If I use the clean install (Howto create you own rootfs.txt) procedure on your Google Drive does that preserve my current firmware\linux installation and it is possible to switch back and forth between the two?  If not what is the best procedure to perform a backup for the current firmware, and easily restore if something goes sideways?

Lastly; is this still running well for those that have successfully installed this?  Any lingering issues that might be show stoppers?



Hello again,

I am trying to find if there is any way to install the clean debian without open the case of my cloud.

I found this

 my knowledges to linux is very basic but i think that this way can be adopted to create a minimal debian system at the swap partition of the wd mycloud and then we can write the images that is provided to us from Fox_exe to the wd mycloud.

What are you thinking about this?

I think that the only minus is that you have to erase all the data in the system

Thank you

To jbets:

  • SSH, not Telnet :smiley:
  • Yes. I build all in MyCloud. (Except kernel - need to many fixes in makefiles to compile in MyCloud)
  • I cant understand how works update in official .deb file (firmware). He makes md1 (2nd raid with 2nd partition), update hem… and just restart system… Something missing and i cant find what… So - i cant make .deb for easy install/upgrade.
  • You can install official firmware back. Use “Replace HDD - english.txt” instruction.
  • No need to build you own fw by instruction. I already make it. (Clean debian)
  • All works fine ~2 mounths (Latest OMV v1.0.21 on Clean debian). ~30 happy users (Include English and Russian).
  • One issue - need some tuning for samba (30MBps by default. Up to 70 after upgrade to v4 and tuning)

To 8anos:

I cnown better methods, include official FW update and one thing with RamFS…

But i lazy :smiley:

Can anyone please advise on the following?

ISSUE 1 - Whenever I issue an “halt -p” command the green led still stays on. I mean, after shutdown the green led stays ON.

Is anyone else experiencing this behaviour?

ISSUE 2 - While installing OMV (over debian clean 3) I end up with the below. This is likely related with me installing minidlna from SID prior :/ Minor problem.

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 openmediavault : Depends: nfs-kernel-server but it is not going to be installed

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 nfs-kernel-server : Depends: libtirpc1 but it is not going to be installed
                     Depends: nfs-common (= 1:1.2.6-4) but it is not going to be

I am very much an English speaker.

I have OMV running on my WD My Cloud.

Extract the package you will need the 3 files.  I just put them on the Desktop for ease of use.

It was pretty simple.

Remove the Drive from the enclouser.

You need a SATA to USB device.

Connect your drive via device to a linux computer.

What you  need to do now is dump the rootfs.img to /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2

This is done with the unix dd command, thought I prefer dc3dd it gives more feedback.  Here is an example

dd if=/root/Desktop/rootfs.img of=/dev/sdb1

dd if=/root/Desktop/rootfs.img of=/dev/sdb2

dd if=/root/Desktop/kernel.img of=/dev/sdb5

dd if=/root/Desktop/config.img of=/dev/sdb7 <— this is needed if you are using the OMV version other wise you won’t be able to login.

Then put your drive back together and boot it up.  Give it about a minute and you will see a green light.

Then you need to do a few things.

ssh via root@wddriveip

password: mycloud

passwd ← change your password

First change your language:

apt-get install fake-hwclock

dpkg-reconfigure locales

dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Things should be in a more workable state.

Now just point to you WD Cloud’s IP address and you will load up the Web GUI.

User: admin

Password: mycloud

You may want to change the time in OMV also.

Now, here are the issues I am having and I hope someone can give some insight on this.  I am not able to modify the /etc/apt/sources.list the file is write protected unless I am root.  But this is very confusing because when I ssh into the drive I am root.  I need to change the sources from Russian to English.

zelint wrote:


Now, here are the issues I am having and I hope someone can give some insight on this.  I am not able to modify the /etc/apt/sources.list the file is write protected unless I am root.  But this is very confusing because when I ssh into the drive I am root.  I need to change the sources from Russian to English.


You can change the sources only before installing the OMV when starting with the Clean Debian image. After you install OMV the file will be locked and you need to use 


or any other name, but the file must be located in that directory.


  1. There no LED control. Just set to green after turn on (see /etc/init.d/
  2. Yeah, be careful with SID :smiley:


Try this:

chown root:root /etc/apt/sources.list
chmod 644 /etc/apt/sources.list

* Updated first post - more useful info.

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zlint wrote:

Now, here are the issues I am having and I hope someone can give some insight on this.  I am not able to modify the /etc/apt/sources.list the file is write protected unless I am root.  But this is very confusing because when I ssh into the drive I am root.  I need to change the sources from Russian to English.

Running the commands below, I still wasn’t allowed to edit the sources.list file.

chown root:root /etc/apt/sources.list
chmod 644 /etc/apt/sources.list

I found a solution that worked for me for the issues of not being able to edit sources.list here:

I ran this command to remove the immutible flag:

chattr -i /etc/apt/sources.list

After editing the sources.list file I ran:

chattr +i /etc/apt/sources.list
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Solution for collectd issue

Add the following line to /etc/hosts :       MyCloud.localdomain MyCloud

Tip from:,13630

The absence of this line may eventually also explain some warnings I noticed saying something about the hostname not being properly set or so (forgot the exact messages) and an issue I had with the NAS not being properly recognized using name as address on my LAN.

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Hi Fox

Thanks for your great work :slight_smile: Now the Cloud is running perfect and quickly with Nginx & Seafile and Caldav/Cardav.

I have two problems, maybe you can help me?

I’m looking for a module bcmdhd.ko , i will try to install an Wifi USB Stick. It runs on Cubietruck perfectly

Could you tell me, where i can found it or how can i compile it?

Samba4 doesnt work, Samba3 is o.k.

I hat downlad and extract  exact after instructions here, but dosnt work.

Thanks in advance!


I compile this module for you later (If it present in kernel).

Samba 4 works, but crashes. I update instruction and bins later.


EXPERIMENTAL : Auto install script for clean debian (English / neutral):

Unpack to any folder (use 7zip for windows or p7zip for linux/wd)
For example - \WDMYCLOUD\Public
Go to ssh and run:

cd /DataVolume/shares/Public
chmod +x

* You can replace rootfs and kernel to another dumps (Include official).

Thanks for Response

root@mtsc:/media/samba/Public# service samba start
[ok] Starting Samba daemons: nmbd smbd.
root@mtsc:/media/samba/Public# service samba status
[FAIL] nmbd is not running … failed!
[FAIL] smbd is not running … failed!
root@mtsc:/media/samba/Public# nmbd -V
Version 4.0.0rc5
root@mtsc:/media/samba/Public# smbd -V
Version 4.0.0rc5

EXPERIMENTAL: Auto install script for clean debian (English / neutral):
Unpack to any folder (use 7zip for windows or p7zip for linux/wd)
For example - \\WDMYCLOUD\Public
Go to ssh and run:
cd /DataVolume/shares/Public
chmod +x
* You can replace rootfs and kernel to another dumps (Include official).

I have tried but it is stuck for about 20 hours now in a red blinking light

unfortunally there is a typo in the script at line 20 (red and not yellow) so i am not sure in which phase it is now.

I cant conect with the ssh, i got the message  “Connection refused”, 

Any suggestions? Do you think that is better to wait?

thanks :smiley:

Oh, sorry, my fault - upload wrong file…

Read Howto.txt


GDrive folder with firmwares and other:

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great thanks for the scripts and links fox hope to **bleep** i can fix my 3tb cloud now again thanks fox NOT wd :slight_smile:


nano /etc/init.d/

 add the following content

#! /bin/sh

# Provides: led_off
# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start:
# Default-Stop: 0
# Short-Description: Turn off LED at shutdown
# Description: Set LED off at stop.

echo off > /sys/class/leds/system_led/color

 Press Ctrl+x and choose Y to save it and then press Enter.

chmod a+x /etc/init.d/
update-rc.d start 30 0 .

Do a shutdown to test. The led should go off. It will take another 30 sec for the HDD to be powered off. 

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Thanks for sharing. Working fine here.