Cant upgrade firmware in WDMyCloud

What is the specific error message you receive when attempting to upgrade the firmware?

What firmware version were you trying to upgrade to? Were you trying to upgrade to 04.05.00-342 (09/04/2019)?

Or were you trying to upgrade to 2.31.204 (12/16/2019)?

Because you are using a first generation My Cloud (firmware v3.x/v4.x) you can ONLY use the v3.x or v4.x firmware. You cannot upgrade to the second generation’s v2.x firmware. The 2nd gen single bay My Cloud uses different hardware and uses a different firmware structure (busybox).

One option is to update from the v3.x firmware to an early version of the v4.x firmware before attempting to push the very latest v4.x firmware to the unit. Links to most past firmware releases for the single bay My Cloud can be found in the following post.