Can't open .EXE FILES

I bought this cloud so that I could share the games on my other laptop and play it on my gaming laptop. At first it worked perfectly, I uploaded the Witcher 3 on it and could open it - still can. But now each game I upload on the cloud from my other laptop I get denied access. I don’t wish to fill up my 256GB SSD on my gaming laptop and that’s why I spend 140,- euros on a 2TB drive but I can’t even use it if my .exe files won’t open!

For the game Yooka Laylee I get this error message, it’s the same for The Sims 4/Sims3 and the game Thief. “Windows cannot access \WDMYCLOUD\Public\Games\Yoo…\YookaLaylee64.exe Contact your network administrator to request access”

What am I doing wrong? I’ve restarted the cloud, I’ve deleted the game and re-uploaded it again but I keep getting this error message.

many issues can be solved by mapping the share to a drive letter.

in windows explorer, right click on the share in the left pane, and choose “map network drive”. give it a drive letter, and choose OK.

if it persists, it could be an issue with execute bit not being set. we might be able to fix that from windows-- right click on the exe file, and choose properties, then look for the security tab. grant execute to the everyone object if it is not already set, then try again.

Thanks for your answer, I think I’ve found the problem. The first solution didn’t work so I tried the second one and I only have access to ‘Reading and Writing’. When I try to change it to full grant I get an error message that I don’t have permission… sigh I really don’t know what to do now :frowning:

You will need to change the “Share” access permissions (for your user ID) within the My Cloud, or have an administrator do it for you.

This is the difference between the game that does work and the game that doesn’t. The group names of the users are also different.
Yooka Laylee:
Witcher 3:
nobody (WDCLOUD)

How do I do that exactly? I’m the administrator of my cloud as no one else besides me uses it.

You modify User access rights to Shares via the Dashboard. Refer to the user manual.

I’m guessing that you can’t play 'Yooka Laylee"; the group and owner don’t look right. They should be like the second example. How did you create the folder they are on, and transfer the file to the MyCloud?

The only way I know of correcting this is to access the MyCloud’s linux operating system (via SSH), and use chgrp to correct it; this has been discussed recently, so a search of this forum for ‘chgrp’ ought to find it. Likewise, search for SSH.

I’ll look into the user manual tomorrow :slight_smile:

I did it the same way as with the working game The Witcher 3. For some reason the transferring speed is really slow via windows explorer so I installed the wd cloud app and first transferred the witcher 3 and tested it, it worked and decided to put my other games on it overnight; sims 3, sims 4, just cause 3 and a few other games and it’s like something changed overnight because every .exe file is doing the same thing.

I checked the files on my other laptop because maybe there’s something wrong with the .exe files itself but there’s nothing wrong with them, can execute them/write them etc. :frowning:

I’ve read a bit about SSH and I’m reluctant to use that method. I know quite a lot on computer prompt stuff etc but I don’t get that. I read there was a solution about calling them but I never read that it was proven to work and as it’s dated back to Oct. 15 2015 and it’s already April. 29 2017 now…

Is there any other possible solution?

ssh is not that scary. You can connect to the mycloud using something like putty. It will ask for a username and a password, then drop you at the root shell.

you can change directory using “cd”, which has the same syntax as used by windows cmd.exe.

However, you will need to use either chgrp or chown to change the owner/group of the files in question. I usually use chown, as it also lets you change the group.

The syntax for chown is as follows:

chown [-R] [user]:[group] [directory or file]

If you need to, you can use the -R referenced above to [R]ecursively set the ownership for all files and subfolders contained in the folder listed on the command line. Otherwise, it will just work on a single file.

Bear in mind that the mycloud is a linux-like system, and uses “/” instead of "" for directory syntax. eg,

cd /shares/Public

will drop you into that folder.

Judging by the way this looks, the commands you will want to run will look something like this:

chown -R nobody:share /shares/[sharename]/Games

You may also need to expressly enable execute bit. While considered bad practice in the unix world, looking at how the public folder is set up on my MyCloud, you may need to also run this:

chmod -R 777 /shares/[sharename]/Games

That will basically grant “full control” to “everyone”, or at least, the linux/unix equivalent.

Thanks for your reply :slight_smile: I got about the half of that haha is there maybe some tutorial/video that’ll walk me through all this or maybe a step by step guide? (Maybe you can help me along as I can see you know quite a lot about this)

step 1) using the manual linked to previously, enable SSH on the MyCloud.
Step 2) Download a program called ‘puTTY’. It will be what we will use to use the console of the mycloud.
step 3) in puTTY, fill in the connection information: give it the IP address of the MyCloud, and choose SSH as the connection type. click on connect.
step 4) it will ask you to accept the keys provided by the mycloud. do so.
step 5) it will ask you for a username. type ‘root’ (without the quotes) and press enter.
step 6) it will ask you for the password. this is the same as the admin password for the dashboard. type it in (it wont give feedback that you are typing, just type it in blindly) then press enter.
step 7) at the console, type

cd /shares

and press enter.

step 8) type:

ls -ll

and press enter. (that is two lower case L’s after the hyphen) this will list all the shares on the MyCloud, and what the ownership and permissions entries look like for each one.

make note of the names of the shares-- they are case sensitive. After you have made note of them, enter the following commands.

steps 9 and 10) type these commands, and press enter after each one.

chown -R nobody:share /shares/[name of share containing your games]/Games
chmod -R 777 /shares/[name of share containing your games]/Games

That will change the ownership/group membership, and the filesystem permissions on the folders in your Games directory so that everyone has full control.

step 11) logout of the MyNas console: type:


and press enter. Putty tells you that the session has closed. Close putty.

Try your games at that point.

If you still have problems or questions, report back here, and paste the output of the “ls -ll” from your /shares folder. It will help me better know what you have named your shares, so I can better help you with exact commands to issue.

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This post is just to help clarify how *nix based OSes do file system permissions.

On such systems, there is a global list of users, and groups. Users can be members of multiple groups, and groups can contain multiple users as members. A user can get access credentials through either their user-ID, or their group-ID.

For any given file or directory, there are 3 access lists. One for its owner. One for a group-ID that its owner belongs to, and one for “Everyone else”.

Each of these lists has 3 permissions that can be selectively enforced. Read, Write, Execute. These are given the designations of (r)ead, (w)rite, and e(x)ecute.

When you do an ls -ll inside a folder, you will get output that looks like this:

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            17 Apr 25 05:55 P2P -> /mnt/HD/HD_a2/P2P
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            20 Apr 25 05:55 Public -> /mnt/HD/HD_a2/Public
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            13 Apr 25 09:08 Volume_1 -> /mnt/HD/HD_a2
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          1024 Apr 25 09:09 test
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            15 Apr 25 09:08 v221w -> /mnt/USB/USB1_b

What does any of this even MEAN, you may ask yourself.

Well. The column on the left contains the filesystem flags. the furthest to the left, is a designator. In this case, several of these are symbolic links. These point elsewhere in the file system, and get the designation flag ‘l’ in the first position of the flags field. The next 3 are for the OWNER of the file. Again, (r)ead, (w)rite, and e(x)ecute. The next three after that, are for the GROUP the owner belongs to. Again, (r)ead, (w)rite, and e(x)ecute. The last column is for “Everyone else.”

You can see from my sample, that some of the flags have a ‘-’ in there, instead of one of the mentioned flags. This means that the permission is not set or enabled.

After that, we have the [OWNER] and the {GROUP] identifiers. These objects were created by the root user, who is a member of the root users’s group (root). Other users can make use of them, because of the permissions defined for [OTHERS] seen in the flags table we just discussed.

for the symbolic links in that listing, the final entry shows where the link points to, or for normal files and directories, what the name of the file or directory is.

“So what are those numbers – you know, that ’ 777 ’ nonsense in chmod?” you might ask. I will gladly explain.

Since there are 3 bits that can be set, for each type of access (Owner, Group, and Others), there are a maximum of 8 possible combinations of permissions (set and unset) for each of those. (2^3=8) Since one of the options allowed is “No permissions enabled”, we start counting at 0. That means we have possible permission sets in the range of 0 to 7. Here is what each set translates to.

0 No permission —
1 Execute permission --x
2 Write permission -w-
3 Execute and write permission: 1 (execute) + 2 (write) = 3 -wx
4 Read permission r–
5 Read and execute permission: 4 (read) + 1 (execute) = 5 r-x
6 Read and write permission: 4 (read) + 2 (write) = 6 rw-
7 All permissions: 4 (read) + 2 (write) + 1 (execute) = 7 rwx

So, when you put a line like this:

chmod 777 [somefile]

you are telling the system that the creator/owner has Read, Write, and Execute-- the group he belongs to also gets Read Write and Execute, and EVERYONE ELSE ALSO gets Read, Write, and Execute.

How does this translate to the windows side of things though, you may well ask next.

SAMBA, the windows compatible file share service running on the MyCloud, creates a user mapping between users and groups created on the MyCloud, and the file security flags it tells windows clients each user or group member has to the share, based on the file system ownership and flags set on the *nix side, in addition to any special restrictions imposed by its share configuration definition. (not really visible by end users, but still accessible to people who know how to edit it-- we will leave it at that. If you dont know what you are doing, dont bother. Best advice.) This is why you saw “WWW-Data” and the like in the security tab for that file. The Samba service creates several known users and groups for its own accounting, so that it can do this mapping between windows style permissions, and *nix style permissions. When a public user creates a file on the MyCloud using a windows file share, Samba creates that file using the [nobody] user, who is a member of the group [share]. Samba is configured to give such created files ‘777’ access by default. It is obvious that the WD transfer utility you used to copy those files to the MyCloud, saved them under a different owner and group membership, and did not give them the proper file system permissions. This is why you cannot execute the .exe file. (you are not granted the execute permission)

By changing the ownership and group assignments of these files, then setting the proper file access, Samba will report appropriate permissions to the windows host, and the windows user will be able to use them as intended.

I hope that was helpful in understanding this problem, and how the proposed solution should fix it.

IT WORKED! (I’m a woman btw so I can say this lol) I can just kiss you! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! :relaxed:

Just to be sure I made another map so I wouldn’t mess up my working game and just put some test games of like 1GB and they all changed :smile:
Now the owners are the same as The Witcher 3, so tonight I’ll upload some other games and test it out :smile:

The very good question here is:

Why did the WD software do this…?

It clearly did something that made the files unusable, and required linux admin skills to sort out. The MyCloud is supposed to be a consumer storage device, not a linux plaything.

Clearly another question for WD, and one they probably won’t, or can’t answer…

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More than likely, it is because the transfer tool uses a daemon configured to use credentials from baked in user and group accounts “www-data”:“www-date”, which is what it uses to create the files during the transfer. Samba is “slow” because of all the protocol overhead. (It is designed to talk with an active directory server, do network time validation, user credential validation, and all kinds of stuff, THEN finally, start transferring data.) The WD transfer utility likely uses a much simpler protocol, and is thus faster. Judging by these names, this tool is intended for uploading to a website. For security reasons, you do NOT want execute bit enabled on things uploaded to a website!! Those user/group accounts are likely very locked down for security reasons as well.

Now, why use a tool intended to facilitate an end user uploading data to a webserver, on a CONSUMER GRADE appliance, who’s web root is hosted on read only storage?? It would make much more sense for the tool to assume that the user is on the same local net as the appliance, and use security restrictions that are sensible to THAT use case-- rather than (as appears), reuse a daemon intended for small commercial boxes, that are hosting live websites on the open internet.

I dont want to damage my brain trying to figure that out-- It is most likely some bologna infused reason revolving around product development costs, rather than product quality assurance, that will give me dysentery if I think too much about it.

There is a simple, if heavy handed, solution to the problem-- so it isn’t all that bad. Just not ideal from a customer satisfaction perspective.

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I completely agree. I know a lot of people who’d give up on this and bring the cloud back and buy something more simple because this isn’t ideal. And I’ve read back into the forum and the first issue with with read&write only began in 2012 and until now wd themself haven’t done anything really to solve this.

I’m glad the community has such great people who help each other :smiley:

I’ll be sure to save this topic so that if it happens again I’ll know what to do. :smile:

Wierd_w’s answer makes sense to me, which brings me to the question

What method did you use to copy the .exe files onto the MyCloud, and where did you do it from?

Did you use the MyCloud desktop app?
Did you use the web access service?
Did you use your computer’s file manager to a mapped drive?
Did you do this local to your network, or remotely?

Wierd_w’s theory would make sense if you did it using the web portal, since that’s the only means of remote access that might need a daemon. The MyCloud app and mapped drives are for local use, and really should be using normal file server access when operating locally, to ensure user permissions and ownership are assigned correctly.

The best way of accessing the MyCloud when local to your network is by mapping shares as network drives under your computer’s file system, and using the native file manager.

I used the desktop app while being connected to my LAN cable as my wifi isn’t the best. Copying and pasting via the file explorer takes about 4x times longer than the desktop app.

What I’ve noticed with the file explorer, is that it first scans all the files (and a game of 30GB has about 5000 files of various sizes) and than begins uploading them with the max speed of 40kb/s and the desktop app doesn’t do that so that’s why I prefer the desktop app.

But now the question is; what is going wrong than? I don’t use the web portal so…

40kb/sec?? that is… painfully slow. The MyCloud is capable of transfers in the multi-megabytes per second speed range.

40kb/sec is what i would expect from a slow isdn line or something.
the mycloud has a top speed of around 120mb/sec, on gigabit ethernet.

I admit to having … old… equipment, and suffer behind a 100mbit ethernet rig. I get transfers around 10-ish mb/sec on average.

Either microsoft has decided to punish people using the smb2 protocol (as a means of forcing infrastructure upgrades to newer server class windows OSes that support smb3 protocol–something I would not be surprised by if true…) on windows 10, or there is something very strange about your network topology…

I live in the linux world, and abandoned the MS windows platform ages ago. I use the much simpler NFS protocol for mapped network storage, and get good performance. NFS does not play nice with windows though.

I should look more into using sftp to send files to the MyCloud. There are windows clients for that protocol, and it is super lean as well. Properly done, it should save files with the proper user/group membership and permission set. If you have ssh enabled, sftp should work like magic. I will see if I can log in as the [nobody] user over ssh. If I can, then sftp would be a good candidate for replacing the desktop app for file transfers.

It is probably a bad idea to share my findings if I succeed, since nobody is baked in, and lives in the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow supplied by the initrd (and thus is the same on all MyClouds in the universe), but I am currently running that account through john the ripper now to find out what the encrypted password for that account is. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: It is MY box, I feel entitled to know.

Also, for giggles-- try reading /etc/passwd some time, and seeing what WD put as the full user name for ‘admin’. LOL. So professional. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep, that’s painfully slow - that’s why I don’t use file explorer to transfer stuff, I always use third party apps.
I wouldn’t say I have old equipment, paying for 500mbit ethernet. With normal stuff like download speed; utorrent I get on average 50-80mb/s and upload speed around 30mb/s so not bad but transferring is another story. It’s like there’s a wall blocking it. I have one gaming laptop and a work laptop with the newest i7 and all that so it’s so weird that transferring is so slow.

The desktop app is fast, yes but not 120mb/s fast. Uploading a game around 30GB takes about 2-3 hours. I wouldn’t be surprised if microsoft does that, honestly I was forced to buy a wd passport a few months back because microsoft decided to just strip your account from the cloud space stuff. If you bought a laptop with w10 you’d get for free 50GB cloud space, a few months back I suddenly got a msg saying ‘your account is going to be deleted if you don’t have less than 5GB used’ - microsoft is nasty to be honest but yeah… I need windows to play my games lol :joy:

And as Linux isn’t the best to play games on… - no Linux for me.

I’ll read it some time for the giggles of it haha I guess I’ll go play Outlast 2 now. Finally can enjoy the game - have been wanting to play it since it came out T___T