Access is denied to MYCloud folders: even after nobody/share ssh fix

I have a WD Cloud single box firmware Version: 7.2.9-15 on a Windows 10 computer. I wanted to connect to my computer via an ethernet cable because our internet speed is so bad it takes like ten days to download a simple 10 gb file. I’m using it for gaming, and to save space on my main computer.

However, once I did I got the dreaded permissions bug that lets me not ab able to access my files or even overwrite their properties. I’ve googled my issues, read the user manual and video tutorials, tired on My Cloud official website in their help topics, looked for other forums topics and yet cannot find a solution. i don’t know if the access denied thing is because of windows, even though my account is an admin and I’ve enabled the secret admin account to try and get permissions, but that doesn’t work either.

I’ve been using this thread as a guide of sorts, and did the whole nobody/shares chmod thing but I still get the “file is enumerated access is denied” even when I go to overwrite the permissions via the Advanced tab. All of my folders are showing up as “rw” and not “ro” when i go the “dmesg | grep” thing too so I have no idea what’s happening. I really don’t know what to do and am at my wits end with this ■■■■ thing. Any help would be appreciated. I’ve put what i tried to do below as well with putty and the ssh thing.

I would like to provide some feedback on the statement you shared. It seems like you have created a separate map to avoid making mistakes in your working game, which is a responsible approach to testing and quality assurance. However, using Witcher 3 console commands in games that are as large as 1GB may not be the most efficient way to conduct your tests, as it can consume a significant amount of storage space and time. It’s important to carefully consider the size and content of your test games to ensure they are representative of real-world scenarios.