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Just created a ticket in WD Support, but I’d like to write here anyway, and of course i promise to write back if i get a solution anyhow.
Here it comes:
Such an errors runs on system log while performing mkfs.ext4 on the brand new 4TB elements USB device:
The filesystem is broken and cannot be fixed. Files written on it are corrupted.
Although, the drive passes badblocks tests, runs fine on mdadm RAID 1 Arrays…
The situation is exaclty the same on two Linux kernels (4.15, and 5.10), two different computers, and three different USB controllers in which is USB 2.0.
(one of the controllers is USB2.0, two others are 3.0)
On the other hand, twins similar device Elements 2TB works quite fine.
Have tried to create 1TB partition and then mkfs.ext4 - the same result.
Have checked SMART test under Windows with Dadshboard - Excellent.
Exactly the same problem while creating xfs filesystem.
And here I am coming back with solution as promised.
But first short disclaimer: I do not exactly understand whats going on there, i’m just putting solutions written by other, smarter people, and it seems to work.
So first of, a little bit suggestive short dispute on … WD Community forum
And here - solution of the problem, as I am planning do apply, before there will be enough water in rivers after Darwin, to get it fixed on WD drive firmware or in default kernel behavior - either way is just fine for me:
… You just have to be kidding…
The official WD suppoprt send me my own WORKAROUND of the problem I have send to WD community.
Not even saying “get lost, stop bothering us”, not mentioning about officjal position according to the problem (is it Linux Kernel bug, or maybe device firmware bug??)
Just great.
For the long long time I was just buying only WD disks… now i wonder if I should verify my liking:/
… You just have to be kidding…
The official WD suppoprt send me my own WORKAROUND of the problem I have send to WD community.
Not even saying “get lost, stop bothering us”, not mentioning about officjal position according to the problem (is it Linux Kernel bug, or maybe device firmware bug??)
Just great.
For the long long time I was just buying only WD disks… now i wonder if I should verify my liking:/