[APP] Transmission various versions for firmware V4+ (05/2020)


I’m amazed with your dedication to this device and community; thank you for the great work you’ve done in automating and explaining the installation process.

Does it work with ?


No problem enjoy (-:


As long as it’s v4+.

thanks !

I cannot get the credentials working, it said i entered the invalid user and pass in it. Is there a problem with the server because I just copied and pasted the credentials in it

I just tried no issues, did you copy and paste correctly? All 3 lines? It’s past the hour now, there should be new password generated along with the unique keys.

I got it working now, thanks

HHonestly - how do I get credentials…?

Many thanks - cant see any username or password…!

Honestly did you read the instructions on the 1st post or “how to get credentials” image on the website? :stuck_out_tongue:


First of all, tanks a lot for the tutorial.

I don’t know if someone else already asked this question, but 50 pages are too much to read.

so, i’m using the "Highly recommended theme by Joaco_AR" i have to change it from default to that theme. How can i make the theme by Joaca, to be default (to be used after my device is restarted)?

Need not read the whole page, just the 1st post:

Download and untar the new theme into path /root:
cd && curl -L https://github.com/ronggang/transmission-web-contr​ol/raw/master/release/transmission-control-full.ta​r.gz | tar xz;

Edit environment with “nano ~/.profile” and add/replace as below:
export TRANSMISSION_WEB_HOME=/root/web

Edit crontab with “crontab -e” and replace as below:
@reboot export TRANSMISSION_WEB_HOME=/root/web && /usr/local/bin/transmission-daemon

Stop then restart the daemon:
export TRANSMISSION_WEB_HOME=/root/web && transmission-stop && transmission-daemon;

Well i installed the theme using that lines.

I have to mention 2 things:

  1. at step 3 [@reboot …] i run the line without “@reboot”. i should reboot the device before that step?

  2. i run the first ste line after login, i don’t know if the files is downloaded and extracted in the /root path. If so, how i do that?

  3. my linux (command line) knowledge are 0

Also, if is possible, can i install something in MyCloud to give a external address to the device? I have dynamic ip so, if power goes off, i can’t access transmission through the old ip. A software that check my actual ip every 5-10 mins and gives that ip address to a link, eg: transmissionmycloud.net

  1. at step 3 [@reboot …] i run the line without “@reboot”. i should reboot the device before that step?

No you need to include @reboot to the crontab scheduler. This ensure the daemon runs at reboot. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron

  1. i run the first ste line after login, i don’t know if the files is downloaded and extracted in the /root path. If so, how i do that?

“cd” will change to the home path which is /root. Use “ls” will list the files/folders in the current path. So you should see “web” folder in the “root” folder.

  1. Google can help :slight_smile:

Refer to the post on my signature for web hosting. In it there’s a link of installing OwnCloud for V4 firmwares (you don’t need to install). Somewhere in that link describes how you can use DDNS without knowing your dynamic IP.

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Ok, i will try when i will get home.

And one more thing. Is there a way to set a username and password to be prompted when i access transmission?

Thanks a lot for everything

You can do it from editing the config. For more details refer to https://www.transmissionbt.com/

After 2 hours of searching, testing and doing stuff, i managed to do all the things i asked. THANKS  A LOT!

my firmware version v04.01.04-422.  Transmission can’t download any torrent file. It doesn’t work…

But Utorrent can download all of torrentfile… plz help me.


give me transmission interface picture

Maybe your upnp failed. Set the port forwarding manually both in transmission and on your router.