[APP] Transmission various versions for firmware V4+ (05/2020)


You have a typo, do recheck your syntax. 

Hi, Nazar78, thank you for this script.I installed the transmission on my cloud, everything works fine . But I forgot to turn off the auto update firmware , firmware a few days ago the renewed automatically and transmission does not work now . How can I recover it . When reinstalling this error. My current firmware v04.01.02-417



You are seeing the error due to connection lag. Please try again about an hour later using new set of credentials, my nas probably loaded.

I tried several times , the error every time. How can I restore the transmission?


Please try again I’ve increased timeout.

Great job nazar. Now my 3tb cloud is perfect. Is there a problem if i let torrents for seed, i mean is making him too bizzy?

Anyway with transmission you made this nas fantastic.

Thanks again.


No problem. The resource of seeding is almost the same as downloading. If you don’t have custom apps running like hosting a website apart from Transmission, then it’s ok to seed.

I tried several times, the error is always the same. Did reset button on the back side, nothing helps. May need to return to the old firmware?


This works with all v4 firmwares. Most probably lag issue. Which part of the continent you’re located? I’m in asia GMT+8.

Are you using VPN or proxy? Which maybe the cause of the lag. PM me your IP address and I’ll see what I can do to help.

Hi, Nazar

Thanks very much for your instruction, it helps a lot and i succeed instralling transmission on my wdcloud.

But there are 2 little problems i don`t know how to solve:

  1. The wdcloud can`t sleep after installing the transmission.

  2. I can use “transmission-stop” script to stop transmission , but can`t use the “transmission-deamon” command to start it again. Everytime after i stop the transmission , i need to reboot my wdcloud as to start the transmission. 

So , could you please teach me how to 1.Let the wdcloud sleep after installing transmission and 2. re-start transmission by “transmission-deamon”

Thanks in advance,

and Happy new year!


No problem and happy new year to you too.

  1. If there’s no activities such as seeding or downloading, the nas should go to sleep unless there’s other process accessing the disk. I do not have this problem last time but not sure on the latest firmware as I’m running some other daemons which requires the disk to be awake most of the time. 

  2. I can’t see your screenshot yet till the mods approved. It could help if you ensure the daemon is not running before trying to start it. You can check by “ps -ef | grep transmission-daemon”. If there’s any you could force stop them by “kill -9 pid_of_transmission_process”. I just saw your screenshot, you misspelled “transmission-deamon”, should be “transmission-daemon”.

Just wanted to share the script that i use to start/stop transmission. This is a script for Debian’s init.d which means transmission will start automatically for you on reboot and also you can start/stop/restart it by just using: service transmission start/stop/restart  which is the common way of working with things in Debian.


# Provides: transmission
# Required-Start: $local_fs $network $named $time $syslog
# Required-Stop: $local_fs $network $named $time $syslog
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Description: Cross-platform BitTorrent client


start() {
    if [-f /var/run/$PIDNAME] && kill -0 $(cat /var/run/$PIDNAME); then
        echo 'Service already running' >&2
        return 1

    echo 'Starting service...' >&2
    su --command "/usr/local/bin/transmission-daemon --pid-file $PIDFILE --logfile $LOGFILE" root
    echo 'Service started' >&2

stop() {
    if [! -f "$PIDFILE"] || ! kill -0 $(cat "$PIDFILE"); then
        echo 'Service not running' >&2
        return 1

    echo 'Stopping service...' >&2
    kill -15 $(cat "$PIDFILE") && rm -f "$PIDFILE"
    echo 'Service stopped' >&2

uninstall() {
    echo -n "Are you sure you really want to uninstall Transmission service? That cannot be undone. [yes|No] "
    local SURE
    read SURE

    if ["$SURE" = "yes"]; then
        rm -f "$PIDFILE"
        echo "Notice: log file is not be removed: '$LOGFILE'" >&2
        update-rc.d -f transmission remove
        rm -fv "$0"

case "$1" in




        echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|uninstall}"
  1. Create a new file in /etc/init.d (nano /etc/init.d/transmission)
  2. Copy & paste the above script into /etc/init.d/transmission
  3. Run: chmod +x /etc/init.d/transmission
  4. Run: update-rc.d transmission defaults
  5. That’s it

Now transmission will start automatically on reboot and you also can:

  • start it : service transmission start

  • restart itservice transmission restart

  • stop itservice transmission stop

  • uninstall this scriptservice transmission uninstall


Thanks for sharing. Yes that’s the common way but only if installed from Debian repository. This build was manual so I used crontab instead.

It doesn’t really matter where is installed from. I actually installed following your giude from a different thread and compiled it from source and then made the .deb file and installed using it dpkg -i

All the script above needs is the transmission-daemon to exists (does not matter how it was installed).

Also the path can be adjusted in the script in case it’s not installed in 


Yes the script obviously can be used from any install method. What I meant was when built manual from source, the init.d script was not automatically included. Though it could be inserted manually during the build process if you chose to.


Thanks again for the guide on how to compile for WDMyCloud.

Downloading → transmission_2.84-1 (2,506,180Bytes)…

Error-4: Unable to retrieve required files! Network failure.

What to do with this error?

Please retry, I just restarted my FastCGI server.

Is checked my login\password, but after returns same error again :(.

Thanks , now i know my mistake. i will try again.