Anyone tried shucking an easystore 18TB and replacing it in a My Cloud V2

Mainly because of the way the MyCloud Personal looks and the OS isn’t that obsolete in that it works perfectly as a single user NAS with speeds of up to 80MB/s RW as long as you turn off all indexing. Granted you need to run a script every time you power up busybox in order for it to sleep when it isn’t in use.

I always love how the My Clouds with book covers would blend into my bookshelf Book Covers for my MyBook and MyCloud on my Bookshelf

It is too bad that WD never capitalize on this concept of actually creating books out of their My Books.

Why? It is all for nostalgia sake of having two 18tb books sitting on my shelf.

Very true and no work at all… might just have to do that since I procrastinate so much…