Alternative Firmware (Debian Jessie, Synology DSM6)

Ok restored original Western Digital firmware to both My Cloud EX2 (same as My Cloud Mirror Gen 1) and My Cloud EX2 Ultra (Same as My Cloud Mirror Gen 2)

My Cloud EX2 (same as My Cloud Mirror Gen 1)

  1. Prepare a USB drive with files “uImage” and uRamdisk", download from;
    format USB fat32, place files in a folder you create named “boot” (I also placed copies of the files outside the folder).

  2. With USB attached, Connected by SSH with Putty.exe and login in as root
    I had to over ride the default root password, (sorry I did not save the commands. Try “sudo passwd root” or “sudo su” enter, “synouser --setpw root [NEW PASSWORD]” enter)
    as root enter the following commands;

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mtdblock1
reboot -f

  1. Locate the new IP address, I use “Advanced IP Scanner”.
    Browse to the new IP address, and the “Recovery Mode” WebIU will display
    Upload the correct firmware from Western Digital.
    After it reboots, scan for new IP address again and login by browser.

My Cloud EX2 Ultra (same as My Cloud Mirror Gen 2)

  1. Prepare a USB drive with files “uImage” and uRamdisk", download from;
    format USB fat32, place files in a folder you create named “boot” (I also placed copies of files outside the folder).

  2. With USB attached, depress the reset button with a tooth pick and apply power to the My Cloud
    Hold the reset button for forty seconds and then release.

  3. Locate the new IP address, I use “Advanced IP Scanner”.
    Browse to the new IP address, and the “Recovery Mode” WebIU will display
    Upload the correct firmware from Western Digital.
    After it reboots, scan for new IP address again and login by browser.