A My Cloud speed question

My setup:
iMac i7 3.4 16gb
Verizon fios MI424WR
Wireless Disabled
Cat5 between iMac and router
Cat5 between My Cloud and router

I am getting 20 MB/s writes and 60-65 MB/s reads on large video files NOT through the WD app, but connecting as a server. Ive tried both SMB and AFP. The difference is negligible.

Folders of smaller files the writes drop to 12 MB/s

Is this standard performance? Why are reads 3 times as fast as writes. From the benchmarks I’ve seen it should be 50 MB/swrites and 60 MB/s reads.

My network is clearly not slowing down the info coming from the My Cloud, so why are writes so much slower?

Any ideas? Thanks!

It should be 10 times that fast.

20mbs per second writes is terrible.  Should be closer to 40 MBps.

Reads should be closer to 60-80 MBps.

But isn’t your MI-424WR router only 100mbps capable?

Whoa MB/s not mb/s. Sorry for the error in the initial post.

Ok, maybe I’m wrong.  I thought all MI-424WR’s were 10/100 only.   You might double check what the color of the steady LINK LED on the Back is… Yellow=100, GREEN=Gigabit.

Okay after some checking I do have the Rev I version of the router.  It says it is 1G.  The LEDs on the back of the My Cloud are green.

Any more ideas as to why I am getting such slow writes?

I don’t have a Mac, so I can’t help much, but you might try connecting via SMB / CIFS instead of AFP.

Wanted to jump in and ask about the MI424WR, I checked the back of my router and all ports state 100/10, yet the led lights are green. I was assuming by my slow speeds that i do not have a gigabit version?


From what I understand there are several revs of the MI424WR.  Starting with rev G I believe they are gigabit.  My ports say 10/100/1G.  I have rev I.