Trouble uploading photos from iphone

There are lots of recent posts here about uploading photo issues, did you look around for any?

You did not mention what kind of phone you are using. For now I will assume an iPhone, so here is important info I posted a few weeks ago regarding uploading from an iPhone/iPad. If you have an Android phone, then disregard.

IMPORTANT: for very large uploads (such as a complete and full iOS Camera Roll,), the iPhone/iPad Auto-Lock control needs to be set at a high value (meaning, set to Never,) BEFORE the upload begins, or else Auto-Lock will likely time out, step in, and shut down the iPhone/iPad, and your uploading will stop before it completes. (WD Support says Auto-Lock is a battery-saving design feature of iOS devices.)

Also, for large uploads, have a fully charged iOS device, and keep My Cloud app in the foreground during uploading.

Be sure when all is completely finished to put your Auto-Lock control back to where you had it set (at 5 minutes or under).

Subsequent auto-uploads may not require resetting Auto-Lock if only a few items are uploaded each time.

I have been told by WD Support that Android devices do not have this issue.


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