NOTICE: and users in relay mode are reporting that connections

NOTICE: and users in relay mode are reporting that connections to devices are slow or unavailable.

WD is actively investigating this issue and is hoping to have the problem resolved soon.

For the latest update on service issues for My Cloud and My Book Live, please visit

All the users on my device including myself when outside the network are getting remote access has been disabled. Is this connected to this problem being reported here?

This is what I am seeing under my cloud access in the dashboard settings.

Connection Status
Connected (Relay connection established)

Cannot establish remote access connection. Make sure you are connected to the internet.

Just tried to access my Ex4 remotely using the WD My Cloud android app and was able to access folders and files.

Are you still having problems?

Yes I still cannot access my drive remotely I keep getting a pop up saying remote access has been disabled

Looks like something else is messed up somewhere!

Trying to restart the Ex4 device might be something to try if someone could in fact has access to the physical device.

I have restarted the device several times (most recently after I replied to your post). Is there a way to do a soft reset so I do not lose the data on it

We will let you know when this is fixed.  If what you are experiencing is related to the original post, then there is nothing you can do about it from your device.  We appreciate your patience while we figure this out.

Is my problem described above related to the issue WD is having

sxc7885 wrote:
Is my problem described above related to the issue WD is having

Yes, definitely. 

Is there a rough time frame as to when this problem might be resolved?

sxc7885 wrote:
Is there a rough time frame as to when this problem might be resolved?

As soon as possible?  From what I’ve been told, it’s almost fixed.  But that’s all I know for now.

Thanks. I will keep an eye on things to see when it becomes available.

No access via smartphone, etc., for two days now, even if I can add data through the network and open the dashboard (at last!) via a browser.

The original statement indicated people were working on it: looks like they have taken a long break at this point . . .

I’ve been having the access has been disabled pop up for a few days but was able to fix it by performing a reboot. I can access things on my home network but not outside of it

Im still seeing issues like the picture shows. This is after I did a factory restore and rebuild the cloud content. Any clues when this might be back up. It is really starting to effect my business.

I should note that the failed attempt only occurs after spending 5-10 minutes attempting to make a connection

The system is back online! For me the dashboard deff feels a lot snappier and transfering files seem a tad faster as well. 

Maybe for you, but this is what I still receive: this from my Z10

Yeah I am having issues connecting again outside of the network. Last night I finally got a connection ready and things were fine now it says it can’t make a connection. Called support last night and they said it was suppose to be fixed by last night. Might give them a call to see what’s going on

Unable to ping which explains why I can’t get to the WD My Cloud Sign In page.  Seems to me they are having DNS issues.