Help! New customer - Keeping the drive at another location?


I plan to do my first backup with the drive connected to my network but then move the drive to a friends home and plug it into their Network (in case of fire etc) .

Further incremental back-ups will be done over the Internet.

Will this work ?

Presumably I will have to set it up again, but will this lose my data ?

Many thanks in advance for any responses.


Hi, as far as I know the WD My Cloud is not capable of performing a backup over the internet. Can you share the model of your drive?

[quote=“Justin_Baron, post:1, topic:161354, full:true”]
I plan to do my first backup… [/quote]
What software do you plan on using to perform the backup? Smartware or a third party program?

Smartware is not currently capable of backing up to a My Cloud located in a remote location unless one has a VPN (or similar) connection to that remote location.

One may be able to use third party backup programs to do a backup to a remote location but it may involve having to use either FTP (or SFTP) or connecting to the My Cloud using SSH and running a backup/file copy through SSH. FTP is not secure, but it can be enabled via the My Cloud Dashboard’s Settings page.

Many thanks for responding - I planned to use Time Machine (Mac user).

If I can introduce the remote drive into my network then I might be in business - I could set up a VPN.

Many thanks for responding

WD 4TB My Cloud Personal Cloud Storage NAS Drive

This model does not support or come with remote backup software. Not officially supported.

Unofficially, yes, with the use of SSH and rsync. Both supported by the OS x.

Search for remote backup posts on this forum, plenty of them.

So take into consideration that even incremental backups, will depend on the slowest point for the locations, which chances are the up speeds at both.

Hey, I want to do exactly the same thing. It’s a bit of a shame that WD is not supporting this or is note providing a solution/tutorial to do that easily… Let me know if you have any success.

I spoke to tech-support who hadn’t really thought about it and so were reluctant (rightly) to speculate.

If I can get my Mac to see the drive as a part of my network I should be able to get Time Machine to back up to it.

I will confirm with Apple tech support and report

Thanks for getting back to me - I will give it a go