So I’m confident in all my steps - per the post that fox references in his text file:
([My Cloud Gen2] Using an 8TB HDD and Formatting Failure (Error Code: 600))
The device isn’t pulling a DHCP address, I’ve tried assigning static IP in router to what I think is the correct MAC address and now even installing Bonjour and trying to find it if it is zeroconfig’ing. I can’t browse to the web interface, so I can’t upload the firmware.
" Upload firmware and set up storage
- Attach the curcuitboard back onto the drive, attach network and power cable and fire it up
- Wait some minutes until the mycloud has booted into “Safe Mode” (the blinking LED switchs from blue to red)
- the device will use try to get an IP via DHCP (or if not avaible if think it will use the IP-range of zeroconf ) and is accessible via Web-Gui (LED is still blinking red)
- Log onto the Web-Gui and upload current firmware for Gen2 (for me it was My_Cloud_GLCR_2.30.181.bin)"
EDIT: There’s another post about UI not being accessible after firmware update - I tried those things. I finally forced myself to give up. Hate doing it, but, it must be done.