Windows 10 Surface Pro 64 Bit


Eventually after having to disable secure boot so that I could install the unsigned digital device software I have the WD Discovery installed and working on my Windows 10 Surface Pro, but although I can login using my user account and see the drive listed in the GUI I am unable to click on the device and access it through File Explorer.

I can do everything but access the private share for the user in question; I can see the public Share an ping the device so guess all network settings are correct?


That is correct.
The only way for you to access any other users private space is to sign in to using their email address and password.

I am signed in using my account. As I stated earlier, even though I am signed in and can see the device and it’s quota I cannot click on this and access via explorer.

Screenshot will help us understand the issue

Screenshot as requested. I cannot click on the device and access through Explorer as I can on my other Windows 10 64bit machine.

When you signed into, you may have seen this “Internal Server Error” Message.
Is this the reason that you disabled Secure Boot?

As part of this KBA?

Thank you for your support; disabling the secure boot fixed my problem. Are there any plans to fix this permanently so that I can re-enable the secure boot?