Win 10 update - now Sentinel can no longer backup

I have the WD Sentinel DX4000. Working relatively ok- I think.
Last Friday my windows 10 machine did an update. I believe it was the Creators’ Update.
Since then my Sentinel keeps giving me error messages about not being able to backup the ‘local disk’ on my machine.

I assume this is related to the update -but am not positive. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot?

can you post a screenshot of the error? Give more details? Have not heard of any problems yet

thanks for the prompt response gramps! This is they typical message. It started on 7/28/2017. I had installed the windows update that morning. Not sure if they are related - but am thinking they are.

If it is at all related - I also ran into some errors withe my Quickbooks file - which I store on the server, but access from my desktop. It kept crashing when I tried to do a certain function.

Could that have been a thumb drive? In any event run chkdsk /f/r on all drives
But in the dashboard on the server for this PC right click and manage/edit backup whatever and go through the wizard. I think whatever drive local drive was will show as offline and make sure it is unchecked to back up

Ok I tried the chkdsk /f/r on all local drives.
It had to wait until the machine restarted to run it. I didn’t watch the whole re-boot, as it seemed to be taking a long time. So I don’t know if there were any issues found.

I’ll try your other suggestions - but I’m working out of town tomorrow. I’ll try it next week.

Thanks again.

Getting back to this. When I goto customize backup, I see the following.

I think the offending item is the “Local Disk (offline)” I’m not sure what disk that is referring to. I am going to uncheck it, and see what happens when I run a backup tonight.

Correct uncheck the offline

Appears to be working now. Thanks.