WIFi LED blink forever

This is my first time to use My Passport Wireless Pro. After charging the battery for 4 hours, I turn on the HD. WiFi LED blink forever! I didn’t see the corresponding WiFi network on my laptop. My Cloud app on my iPhone didn’t recognize the HD. I connected the USB3.0 port of the HD to USB port of my computer and tried to connect to on my browser. But the browser didn’t recognize the HD.

What was wrong with this HD as I just bought it? Does anyone has similar experience before? Thank you for your helps.

I have tried to press and hold both power and battery buttons at the same time for 10 seconds, All LEDs blinking forever! My computer cannot recognize the HD when connecting with USB 3.0 port.

What is going on?

It sounds like your device is having trouble booting up, but plugging MPWP into a computer via Direct Attached Storage mode does not turn on the Wi-Fi of the unit as storage is being accessed by a computer. Try to run scandisk from your computer and see if it solves any problem when you have it connected directly over USB. Another tool is the WD Data LifeGuard Diagnostic that you can try.

If none of the methods above work, please contact the WD Support team and someone can walk you through the problem more specifically.

Hi jchen, Thank you for your response! What do you mean "Try to run scandisk from your computer "? When the HD connected to my computer via USB3.0 port directly, the File Explorer of my computer which is Windows 10’s doesn’t recognize the HD. how can you run scandisk for the HD?

By the way, what is MPWP you referred in your comment?

For WD Data LifeGuard Diagnostic software, I wonder if you can not connect to the HD via USB3.0 or wireless, then how any tool can be used to detect the HD. In fact, the WD Data LifeGuard Diagnostic didn’t find the HD as I tried!

Thank you again!

With my opinion, WD should send me another new one for replacing the HD because this is WD’s opportunity for a real advertisement for WD hard drive quality. Otherwise with that experience I don’t trust hard drive’s quality from WD for future purchase.

Sometimes the blink issue may be related to a corrupted file system which you may still be able to access via storage manager even though the volume doesn’t show up.

MPWP = My Passport Wireless Pro

If your device cannot even be detected at all on your computer via the USB3.0 connection and you are using the original USB cable provided with your MPWP, then it’s best to contact the WD support team to have someone go through the issue with you and perhaps create an RMA ticket.