Wifi connection: ip ok...dns fail?

Dear all,

I have plugged a d link n131 wireless nano ver. h/w A1 and f/w 1.20. When plugged the hub starts the wifi procedure and it finds the wifi line, i choose it and input the wps password, it shows me the ip, subnet, gateway, dns addreses. All ok. Then i chose the automated Connection and it starts trying connecting, after about 60 sec it says the procedure is completed. But the hub is not connected to the router…

IN the connection check option the ip address is green flagged, the dns and the internetare red crossed. Than a message says the dns is wrong.

I see in the router log that the request from the hub has arrived and the router sends the hack, but it does not works. There is not MAC restrictions, i tried also to put off off the wps protection password. in the dhcp clients list the hub does not appear
I tried to specify an ip without success. I tried to push the wps button on the router and on the adapter while connecting bnut it does not change.

The adapter works well connected through the laptop. Also cable connection works well with the router (a tp link3g)

Where is the problem? Why it seems to be ok on the ip and wrong on the dns?

Thank you

Log into your router and make sure it is set to give you enough DNS access to support the number of devices you are connecting in your wireless network. The default is usually more than enough, but if you or someone else changed it to a lower number it may not be enough for all your devices. Also, make sure you aren’t using MAC address filtering for access. If you are you need to add the MAC address of the wifi adapter to the list of allowed MAC addresses or turn off MAC address filtering.

There is no limit to number of connections and Mac filtering is disabled. I see after many tests the hub is acked by the routerin the dhcp clients list appears sometimes, but very few packets sent and received. I tried a factory reset of the hub and of the router but nothing.
I am worried it is an issue of the hub, should I try a downgrade of the firmware?

I looked at the list of approved adapters and didn’t see this SPECIFIC (d link n131 wireless nano ver. h/w A1 and f/w 1.20) one on the list (LIST)…could that be the issue?

flhthemi wrote:

I looked at the list of approved adapters and didn’t see this SPECIFIC (d link n131 wireless nano ver. h/w A1 and f/w 1.20) one on the list (LIST)…could that be the issue?



My bad. I assumed he was using an approved adapter.

Done! I changed the channel number from 5 to 1 and now it works. 1 is the only channel it accepts. Others failed on the dns or on all the parameters. As I tried the hub to a different router and it worked with a different channel I suppose is a compatibility issue between the single router and the usb adapter. It is strange that it works only on one channel but thats fine.

Happy new year all

Well thats great news! NEVER give up! I like success stories!