What do you think about WD services?

Hi WD users!

What do you think about WD services and their new firmware release 1.02.04 for WD MBWE II?

My opinion you know, I’m very very disappointed and flustrated from WD Services and approach to the customers.

I think, that it is time that somebody should take personal responsibility for this situation in WD!

Give me please some feedback.

Thank you.


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I have one of older product, its also My book with USB/ESATA 250 GB. I was very disappointed with this one. First I lost all my data, because the HDD was wrong… I contact WD, and they replaced HDD… no data recovery. After few weeks the HDD crashed again… but I removed HDD from box and tried to recover data - the HDD was OK and nowadays is OK more than 2 years. But I lost warranty… I thought HDD was OK also first time, but the problem was in electronics of the box and also firmware. I lost few monts of time with WD, spent approximately 4 times more money as I payed for My book by the seller, lost all my data one-time but the problem wasnt solved till today. The service and customer support is very poor by WD, trust me, it’s total **bleep**.