Western Digital WD Red PRO 4 TB WD4003FFBX is locked !? Howto unlock?

I bought a new Western Digital Harddisk: WD Red Pro NAS Hard Drive

My PC setup is:
Windows 10 on a Notebook.
The Harddrive is connected via USB Dockingstation.

The Problem:
I cant see / i cant use the Harddisk in Windows 10.

The Harddisk works and windows make a sound thats connected.
After that i cant do anything.

I bought a Partition Software to create a partition but it cant.
Then i tried some other ones and the same thing happens.
Even Testdisk cant do anything to it.

All the Software writes: The Harddisk is locked!

So i cant formate the Harddrive and i cant create a partition.

Is this Device not for Desktop use? Not compatible?

The WD Software called “Dashboard” show that the Harddisk is locked!
How can i Unlock it? In the WD Software it writes use Bitlocker or unlock in Bios but i havent locked it !!!

how can i acces to the drive?

See on Pictures what happens:

This is the Harddisk:

Hi @artyfunk,

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

Support case at WD? Unfortunately, that’s no use. I also have two HDD which I should unlock. Support case is open and nobody answers!