We have detected suspicious login behavior and further attempts will be blocked. Please contact the administrator

I changed the password 3 times and I continue receiving the same message:
“We have detected suspicious login behavior and further attempts will be blocked. Please contact the administrator”
somebody can help me please

Thank you

Is this the device you own, 2nd generation?

What are you signing into? Is it the Dashboard?

When and where do you see this message?

Do you have a My Cloud or My Cloud Home? They are not the same device and they do not even use the same operating system.

It would help if you provided more information about your specific issue and what troubleshooting steps you have taken. It is not clear where or in what app or program or login method (MyCloud.com, My Cloud Dashboard, My Cloud mobile app, etc.) you are receiving the error.

Hi Bennor, thank you for your help, I’m trying to log in MyCloud.com and my Nass unity is a PR2100.
When I tried to log in the system asked me to change my password, what I did, when I tried to log in again with the new password I received this message.
“We have detected suspicious login behavior and further attempts will be blocked. Please contact the administrator”

You may want to contact WD Support (see link top of page) and open a support case, if you haven’t done so already, to see if they can resolve the login issue with your MyCloud.com account