WDTV Live Update or Rollback

I’m getting tired of messing with the AGPTEKs of the world and would love to find a stand alone player that works even close to as consistent as the WDTV boxes did for so many years, not for streaming, but just for reading what is on a hard drive. I stopped using it originally, because a lot of newer files wouldn’t play once WD stopped providing firmware updates. I’ve tried adding VLC to the WDTV Live, which is not something I’ve ever jailbroken, and not had any luck getting it to take.

I personally love PLEX, but would like to know if anyone has any ideas on how to get it to play newer files, or of a player that they have ultimately replaced the old WDTV Live with?

Please & Thank You

Hi @trhargett,

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting: