WDTV Live SMP Slingplayer fails to connect to Slingbox Echostar hds-600rs

I’ve had the WDTV Live SMP for a while and never been able to connect it with my slingplayer.

I have the echostar hds-600rs (DVB) which works great everywhere except my front room.

I get the error message (Error code 22) and to update my slingplayer, it has already got the latest firmware installed.

The WDTV has Version 1.13.18 installed also. Rebooting both devices has not solved it.

As far as I know, the WDTV isn’t compatible with that box.

Last I heard, it’s only compatible with the Slingbox Solo, SB HD, SB350 and SB500.

Could be wrong though…