WDTV Live Netflix problems

Both my father and I have the WDTV live media player boxes connected to our plasma TV’s and while I don’t have any issues using Netflix on mine with my username and password, but if I go to his WDTV live box and log in using my username and password and say choose to watch a TV series eg house of cards all I get is sound but no picture, everything else like YouTube and other apps work, but just the Netflix problem where there is sound and no picture. What could the problem be, also my father’s WDTV live box is running a later firmware version than mine. Could it be the HDMI cable or the firmware. My other question here is can I downgrade the firmware and if so where can I get the previous firmware releases for the WDTV live box.

Hi there,

Depending on the device you have you can roll back the firmware on the unit, here is a link that might help you with this:


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