Wdidle3 not working on new BLUE drives ;-( Any help?

Since I haven’t read this forum a long time, I’m not sure if somebody is being interested, but here are the info I have:

  1. If you have just regular drive in you system (let say disk F:)- you can create .bat file:

    echo . > f:\file.dat
    timeout 6
    goto start

Then start this task in windows scheduler, it will not show console window, so it will just work
This is simplest method
2. Also, as I found out, when you started extended smart test on you drive it wont park its heads for whole time of the test which is around 10 hours (as I recall). Al we need to do the same approach as at I said at first case, but .bat file will be as follows:

D:\Sys\smartmontools\bin\smartctl.exe -X /dev/hdc 
D:\Sys\smartmontools\bin\smartctl.exe -t offline /dev/hdc
timeout 36000
goto start

A few notes: this is the WINDOWS version of tool, but it needs Linux-style of your device drive identifier.

Although I’m “IT guy” I’m not really aware of HDD internals, this is very specific area. All I found out - just two methods to tackle the problem. As I tested - both methods work and they don’t make any noticable performance impact of the drive. If I could return my blue drive I would do it instead of digging forums and making such pathetic crutches :slight_smile:

As of today - the drive still works without any problems or errors, so - you decide. Please see attached screen shot of hddscan . Also you can start extended smart test by the hddscan (http://hddscan.com) tool and check load/unload count after then.