WD30EZRX in XP trough USB enclosure

I’m looking to put a WD30EZRX inside an USB enclosure, and connect to an XP 32 bit machine. Would the XP see or not see the 3tb drive?

I read different comments in different threads so I’m not trully sure it would work. I ask to the enclosure manufacturer and they told me that all enclosures support a 3tb advanced format drive, and that the problem is in the SO. But for example the WD Essential 3TB is told to work in XP 32 bit.

Anyone has a real working case?

Thanks in advance!

It should work fine just be sure to have all of the Windows XP updates.

Hi alucardx23, thanks for your response.

Do I have to do something with the 3tb disk before putting it in the enclosure? Maybe same wd align? Do I have to format it in two partitions < 2TB or can I have a full 3tb partition? Remember is an XP 32 bits.

Thanks in advance!

When you have it in the enclosure use the quick formatter and click on the XP Compatible box. Check the link below.


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Thanks again Alucardx23! Do this work in XP 32 bit or only in 64 bit? Do I need any specific enclosure for this working (maybe same specific chipset inside)? Or the WD quick formatter is only for WD external enclosures?

I only need it as storage drive, not boot drive.