WD30EFRX(3TB) SMART error - reason to exchange it?

Hello, I get the “S.M.A.R.T C5, Current Pending Sector Count = 200” error (see pic). Is this a reason to exchange both of my 3TB hard discs (WD30EFRX). Thanks, -t

Meanwhile I did a scan with HDDSCAN. After only 12% of the scan, it already found 595000 bad sectors. After how many bad sectors should we trash it?

Hi @t3za
Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

Hi Riyan, thx. The disk is 4 years old. I guess WD isnt helping here…but would you know, how to judge the result? How many bad sectors would you allow before replacing it in a RAID1.

I don’t see any pic.

I don’t understand why there are no reallocated sectors and only 3 pending sectors in the SMART attributes if there are 600,000 bad blocks. :-??

I’m wondering if HDDScan is flagging “weak” sectors as bad?

It is the same with another 3TB harddrive from the same RAID1-NAS. I replaced both now. But is there another tool to repair them or mark the badsectors for future usage…

If your drive has that many bad blocks, then it should be taken out of service.

You could try a surface scan with Victoria for Windows. Victoria will allow you to remap any bad sectors.


thx, will check it out