WD2go upnp ports for WD cloud


could someone please doublecheck on their router that when the wd cloud (wd2go) app is used to remotely access the wd cloud drive. Which ports get opened on the router’s upnp section.

I have a very strange thing going on here currently… I cant figure out if the issue is my router or the wd cloud.

long story short. I have transmission client running on the cloud drive (port 9091). I previously had the mybook live and had the same config, IPs, ports, and everyhing was ok.

it looks like that when i run the wd cloud(wd2go) app, the two wan incoming ports seems to be 80 and 443 ? then the 80  switches over to 9091, thus breaking my remote access to my transmission client I checked on the MBL it opens 8080 and 443

its hard to explain. Could someone please let me know. thanks

alirz1 wrote:

it looks like that when i run the wd cloud(wd2go) app, the two wan incoming ports seems to be 80 and 443?

UPnP has no dependence on the app itself.   The ports are opened all the time.

I have 5 WD NASes all with ports opened via UPnP.

At the moment, they’re using:

 MBL:  8080 / 8446

 MBLD:  8082 / 8445

 MBL2: 80 / 443

 Cloud: 9092 / 9445

 Cloud2: 9091 / 9444

If you have a STATIC port forward on your router, and your router is allowing the Cloud to use port 9091 via UPnP, then your router may not be implementing the port-enumeration part of UPnP correctly.   From my understanding, the router should reject the UPnP request if the port is already in use by another system.

Thanks for the reply Tony. I understand upnp.

i guess my question now is… does port 9091 exist or is used on the cloud drive by default or do you also have the transmission client installed on it?

I’m not sure I understand your question "does port 9091 exist "

Port 9091 is not open on the Cloud – it’s a NAT port only on the external side of my router.   Inside, it’s using port 80.

I don’t have the transmission client installed.

That’s what I’m trying to get to… Why is it (router) choosing the port 9091?

Port 9091 is the default port used by the torrent client " transmission" in its Linux distributions as far as I know.

Anyways for now I’ve changed transmission to run on a different port… But I swears spent 3 days on this trying to figure out why my transmission would stop being accessible from time to time…

alirz1 wrote:
That’s what I’m trying to get to… Why is it (router) choosing the port 9091?

The router doesn’t choose.  The WD chooses.

My understanding of UPnP is that the client (the WD) asks the router to give it a list of all ports that are in use.

The WD then chooses a port that’s not in the list, and requests that port from the router.

If the router doesn’t list ports that are defined statically, then the WD has no idea that the port is already in use.

ok, well i found it to be extremely conincidental then that the WD requested/chose port 9091…

it took me forever to figure out what my problem was.

It would be good that like on the MBL, cloud access/remote access ports would be user configurable from the dashboard thus using with manual port forwarding on the router.