WD2go channel or client for Roku


I  was trying to read if I can stream my content on WD my book live to TV (not SMART TV) but connected by ROKU. Is there any way WD supports a Roku channel, just like Plex has one.  Alternatively , it would be if Plex can be installed on WD my book live (other NAS like Netgear Ready NAS) have this option. I know that WD has Twonky media server installed, but there is no guidence on how to make it talk to your DLNA devices. Additionally  is there a twonky channel for Roku ?. How do you beam from twonky to Roku?

Can anyone answer my questions

As far as I know is not possible.

I too was hoping for a WD2go  channel for Roku.

I really love my live book, it works great with all of my android devices, even the old ones.

WD, please let us know if you will be considering this.

It seems way bizarre that there’s nothing built in already to provide a way to stream to/through a Roku.   And even more out of it that there’s no way to have it do it.   (Although maybe there’s going into the OS and sharing things with another program installed instead.)   Some other DLNA solution, etc.

However, that sounds more like something revolving around Twoky and versionsof it, yes?

I was thinking about buying this set-up.  I was under the impression that through Roku’s Plex app, I’d be able to access my book live.  Is that not accurate?