WD1003FZEX 1TB Performance variables. Access times, anything else?

Here is the trhread that got closed (without someone from WD answering the questions. They’ve just thrown some marketing at the people) - http://community.wd.com/t5/Desktop-Mobile-Drives/WD1003FZEX-CAVIAR-BLACK-poor-access-time-explained/td-p/658549

There is a similar thread in the overclock.net forum as well. WD1003FZEX has an access time of around 16ms, which is a lot higher than 12ms of the other FZEX Black drives. I understand that this is partly because of the fact that it uses single 1TB platter (Why are all other Black FZEX drives using 800GB platters?), but then again I don’t see what differentiate it from 1TB Blue EZEX drive, which in some cases has lower access time and higher transfer rate speeds. Can WD provide some benchmarks, where they show 1TB Balck FZEX being faster than the 1TB Blue EZEX?