WD World Book Large Folders Mac

I have the NAS set up correctly.  I have a couple of folders with many files (several GB’s).  On the windows side I can view these files in the folder within moments of opening the folder.  On the mac side the folder looks blank for minutes (even hours).  The folder almost looks like it cycles through over and over.  Any ideas why this works on the windows side but not the mac side.  I can view files in folders that have less files in them no problem so in my opinion it’s not a mac vs windows issue.  Any help would be great.

spolebitski, maybe you should try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this. You can do so either by phone or email.

To Contact WD for Technical Support


When I called the tech support when they asked what kind of router I had (netgear) they basically gave up and said they could not help any futher as they do not provide support for other devices.  I was told to set up static IP adresses for use with this WD Wordbook (not sure what a staic connection will do that a DHCP won’t).

Check Console by opening:


and looking for any related com.apple.Finder or kernel events. Paste such messages here and hopefully a solution will be found!