WD TV Play Does Not Power On


This is now the second time this has happened to me.

After finished using the WD TV Play device and pressing the Power Button, the next time when I want to turn it back on again, nothing happens. I press the Power Button over and over again, but there is no Blue Light that goes on, its completely non-responsive.

The only way to get it to turn on again, is by pulling the power cord out, and plugging it back in again.

Does anyone know why this is happening?

Your feedback is greatly appreciated


Have you checked the remote? Test with new batteries. Probably not the cause but its always worth checking.


Its not the batteries, the batteries are brand new.

After I unplug and plug the device back in again, the remote works fine, like its suppose to, and I am once again able to power it off and on.

This issue Im having seems to be a random occurance, its happened to me twice so far, since I started using this device, 2-3 weeks ago.

Have you tried resetting the player to factory defaults via either the setup menu or the button on the underside.

@Carlo-CAN, this happened to me as well at least 2-3 times already. My unit is brand new (1 month) and evidently so are the batteries. There was no update installed, it came with the latest fw installed.

I’ve been able to tie it though to the Slingbox app usage, in my case. Whenever I use it, there are some good chances that after I turn it off it doesn’t power on. Another “funny” side effect is that it messes up the screensaver. Mine is set up as the clock but afterwards shows as WD Logo. If I go check settings, it shows Clock.

@richUK: it is good advice, and you are probably correct to do a device reset as this appears to be some configuration issue. But who really wants to reset their brand new player? What if it this error becomes habbit? I’d rather have this investigated for what it is and fixed.

patrick_wdp wrote:

@Carlo-CAN, this happened to me as well at least 2-3 times already. My unit is brand new (1 month) and evidently so are the batteries. There was no update installed, it came with the latest fw installed.


I’ve been able to tie it though to the Slingbox app usage, in my case. Whenever I use it, there are some good chances that after I turn it off it doesn’t power on. Another “funny” side effect is that it messes up the screensaver. Mine is set up as the clock but afterwards shows as WD Logo. If I go check settings, it shows Clock.


@richUK: it is good advice, and you are probably correct to do a device reset as this appears to be some configuration issue. But who really wants to reset their brand new player? What if it this error becomes habbit? I’d rather have this investigated for what it is and fixed.

A reset just takes the player back to factory defaults and is recommended if there is a problem. If it does happen again then that may mean a problem but it certainly should be tried and is quick and easy to do. 

If it was a general problem there would be more users reporting it.


I tried a reset already three times, with no improvement.

I have returned the device to the store, and upgraded to the WD TV Live.

Hopefully this issue will not happen again.