WD TV Hub 1 TB & WD Elements 2 Tb Out of their Boxes...& into action


The subjects nearly worked right first time out of the box - just a little Superb 00800 Help got me going wit h a laptop xp home SP3 & a Legacy 95 Kgs Sony CRT TV & a Sky UK Router using its RCA RWY input.

Im very very pleased with results so far & now its nitty gritty time to use a Toshiba VCR DVD HDD (320 Gb) model RDXV60KB (has a USB port) & I wonder if its possible to link the Tosh VCR etc to the WD system ie via the Tosh USB port to the USB port on the WD TV Hub - Im told this MUST have a special USB to USB linking cable (? £30 GB )

If this is possible I suppose it would be then be possible to copy the Tosh HDD files to WD TV Hub?

If that works it will save time and DVD’s when I do my media change over… the Tosh is ideal because it has Hi Speed dubbing from HDD DVD & VCRkit

The next challenge for me is to get random pics on the screen while Im listening to random audio tracks - I suppose if I use an optical lead from the WD Hub to my Hi Fi I dont need the TV to be on = nice n green…

BTW my long journey to this point (via www.xbmc.org) is listed in my thread by mojo in http://forums.v3.co.uk/showthread.php?t=215608 first & then last page gives the progress.

I doubt very much that you will be able to connect your RDXV60KB to the hub via USB. From a quick look at the manual for the RDXV60KB it appears that the USB port is for input only and is certainly not linked to the internal hard drive. Even if it were possible to do I doubt that the hub would pick it up as a hard drive.

You can select shuffle music tracks or a audio playlist and these will continue to play when you then select a random slideshow.

If you want to listen without the TV on then you can also use the standard RCA audio output sockets.

Out of interest, you have posted in the wrong forum.

The forum for the Live Hub is:


MAny thanks richUK forinfo will copy & paste across to new forum - Alas I now know ur correct about the Tosh USB just being input - nice point about the RWY RCA input & just use audio…