WD Sync "no internet connection detected"

Hello all, i recently built a new desktop PC and i’m attempting to add it to my cloud access plus utilize the sync option. I have sync set up on all my other devices and it works great. When i installed sync on my new desktop everything seemed to install like normal. Once the install is complete it opens the new sync folder where i can add and remove files from the folder. When i click on the WD icon on the bottom right corner of the display to check the status of sync it displays “no internet connection detected”. I am able to access all my files via the internet view on my new desktop and i can even access all the cloud settings via the internet. If i add files to the sync folder they will never sync to my other devices and my synced files from other devices will never sync on my new desktop. My new desktop utilizes Windows 10 and i never had this issue on my previous desktop.


Have you tried to uninstall and re-install WD Sync?


Is the new PC on the exact same network, router, DNS server, switch as the previous?
Any anti-virus, malware, or end point protection software installed?
From Windows 10, open a command prompt and let us know the output of the following commands

nslookup api.mycloud.com
nslookup files.mycloud.com
nslookup www.wd2go.com