Wd quick view not accessible os x

I’ve installed WD Quick View on a Leopard Mac, but no icon appears in the menu bar. The application is installed. I’ve copied it to my Applications folder. I’ve manually launched it. It is running in Activity Monitor, but I have no way to access its functionality. ( i have strange behavior going on with my two MBL units that I want to diagnose.)

I’ve rebooted the Mac and the MBLs. I haven’t found anything instructive in the log files. 

Anyone know how to make the icon appear (or get access to its functionality in some other way)?

Thanks, jwc

On Mac OS X 10.7.1 (Lion) - The install places the quick view app/icon in the following folder:  MacintoshHD/Library/Application Support/WDSmartWare.  I created an alias to it in my Applications folder and it appears to work - and there is an icon in the menu bar.  The install may behave differently on Leopard.  You might try re-installing.  However, if you are hoping to get diagnostic information about your MBL’s - the quick view application isn’t going to tell you much - other than give you a quick view of the drive health and some detailed properties about each drive.  If you are encountering strange behavior on your MBL’s - you may have to resort to looking at the logs.  

Thanks. Re-installing does not help. I have tried to run this from both my Applications folder as well as directly from the Applications Support folder. No luck.  I agree it is probably of limited use, but I was curious about the temperature of the units. Is this perhaps available in the log files? If so, I don’t know how to enable SSH to the units. A simple ssh IPaddress does not work (connection refused). Any advice on how to enable ssh using a Mac install would be great.

I will post the problems I am having with the MBLs on the new firmware page. 


To enable SSH - Log into your MyBookLive Dashboard with the owner login.  After you are logged in - change the address on the browser to http://MyBookLive.local/UI/ssh    (replacing MyBookLive with your drive name).  This will open the hidden SSH enablement screen - where you can slect the checkbox to enable SSH.  The root user id and root password are shown on this screen.  It is probably a good practice to disable SSH when you are finished using it.

Disclaimer:  Because SSH provides access to the network server and all its content, only users with advanced computer networking and Linux experience should enable it. Failure to understand the SSH protocol can result in rendering your network server inoperable, as well as allowing unauthorized users access to your network. If you enable SSH, do not share the root password with anyone you do not want to have direct access to all the content on your network drive.