WD Passport, Not visible Disk management


Just tried my WD Passport 500gb, been working fine for a year and a half, suddenly not recognised, did drop it about a foot onto soft carpet a few days ago but had used since.

Anyway I’ve tried it on both windows XP and windows 7 with the same result.

I cannot see the device in disk management. In device manager a USB mass storage device shows up with little yellow warning sign and in its properties the error message This device cannot start. (Code 10) is shown. I’m not sure but I would assume that this is my drive

When I connect the device to my windows 7 desktop the drive buzzes and then clicks and then goes completely silent.

Anyway any advice would be greatly appreciated as this contains several years worth of photographs which I haven’t backed up again. Stupid I know.



Just to keep informed I’ve got it work now, not quite sure what did it. Installed Recuva to have a look at restoring any data if it could recognise the drive the program stopped responding almost immediately but then my computer inexplicably found my harddrive and installed it again. Anyway I’m now in the process of backing everything up obviously.


Ok well as I said above I now have access to the drive and have been able to remove a few of my absolutely key files but some seem to have disapeared, other folders I can’t access and will tell me the drive is unformatted and open up a formatting window. Some folders are very slow to open and I can’t copy some files without getting an error saying “cyclic redundancy check”

The drive is clearly damaged but I was wondering if anyone has had any success with any specific programs used for removing data from a damaged drive and if they could reccomend a specific program.

Oh another error I get when trying to open certain folder is “The request could not be performed because  of an I/O device error”

The drive has failed due to the damage it sustained when dropped. You will have to buy a new one and take more care when handling it.