Wd Mycloud single bay


I am having wd mycloud os3 single bay device . I am not able to access it locally on network. I know that the remote access has been stopped from April 15, 2022. But I was able to access it locally even after that but now I am not for last 2 months. Have tried all the methods. Problem is that I am able to access the deice and its contents , also the dashboard only for 5 minutes after switching it on. Then suddenly it becomes undetectable… please help I have done 4 sec and 40 sec button press also…

What color is the front LED?
Have you tried using a different Ethernet cable?
If / when you can access the My Cloud Dashboard, does it indicate any issues in the Diagnostic section?
When the device isn’t accessible have you tried accessing it using the IP Address assigned to the My Cloud?
If the problem is experienced on Windows computers, you may have to enable SMB 1.0 in Windows.

Couple of WD knowledge base articles that may be relevant:

Turn On SMB 1.0 CIFS File Sharing Support for My Cloud, My Cloud Home, My Passport Wireless and Legacy NAS Products

WD Network Attached Storage (NAS) Does Not Show as a Network Share on Windows

The color of LED is solid Blue.
I have tried to connect new ethernet cable from windows PC to router and also from windows PC to my cloud device directly.

Will try new ethernet cable from my cloud device to router…

No issues on Diagnostics. It has :white_check_mark: this sign, sharing the screenshot of dashboard when it was available.

Yes I have used the IP address to access using google chrome. It is accessible only for 5 min. Then suddenly goes away.

Problem is experienced on all devices, windows, android phone, ipad 11 pro, initially accessible on VLC player in android and ipad pro for 5 min. Then again disappears.

I have also turned the remote access off today as it was on…

Also tried to save the logs from dashboard support but was not able to save as it kept on updating and did not create any file in download folder of PC.

Anything to be done in dashboard settings that I need to do? As I have 5 min everytime I switch on the device

Thanks for the reply

Are there any other network issues or problems other than the My Cloud device when the My Cloud device is no longer accessible?
Check the router’s administration page when the My Cloud is not accessible and see if the router indicates the My Cloud as connected to the router. This could be checking if the network port indicator in the router’s administration screen shows a network connection.
If you haven’t configured a manual IP address for the My Cloud in the router’s administration page’s DHCP server, you may want to try doing so.

The image shows that the device is scanning and your browser is waiting for 192.168… Have you recently uploaded large amounts of data? If true, try to wait few days…

If none of the advice from us works, also check in the router whether the DHCP lease time for has been mistakenly changed.


What do you have setup in the Dashboard>Settings. See images below from my device. Click on, tap, or activate images to enlarge them.

I reboot my WDMYCLOUD once a week.


There are no other network issues.

Not uploaded large data recently.

DHCP lease time is 1440 minutes

Do I need to keep network mode in mycloud settings as STATIC or DHCP.

as its DHCP right now.

I have tried 3 different routers to connect wd mycloud… but still same problem of access for only 5 min.

Sharing the screen shots of error

Also i am getting this error code on windows


Your image shows Internet Access. You need to turn that off. The first generation WDMYCLOUD no longer works over the internet. Using a Static address means the address stays the same and you don’t have to worry about it changing.

How to turn off internet access on wd my cloud?

Can making SSH and FTP ON help in this case?

I suspect that your issue may have to do with not setting a fixed IP, either on the My Cloud or on the router. Not a problem under normal circumstances, but if the DHCP host decides to change it for whatever reason, then you might encounter that issue. Start by fixing your IP (I have mine fixed on the router for my own reasons) and take it from there.

You need to turn it off in the Dashboard. If you can open the Dashboard then check out the Help icon.

This dialog message can sometimes appear in the My Cloud Dashboard when navigating the My Cloud Dashboard and the My Cloud looses local network access. Once the My Cloud regains local network access the message usually does not reappear in the My Cloud Dashboard.

Is the My Cloud directly connected to the network router or gateway? If not directly connect the My Cloud to the local network router or gateway.