WD MyCloud OS3 : Constant disk Thrashing

Hi Buchanan, The server should be idle as nothing externally is happening to request even a disk access let alone be swapping virtual memory.

I have disabled Cloud access anyway, I never enable or use iTunes. I tried disabling DLNA (Twonky) but that still left wdmcserver high on the process list. I have stopped the wdmcserver by following this:-
which settled down the disk activity. I then re-enabled DNLA which leads to twonkyserver causing significant disk activity which eventually settled down as expected.
I have now permanenty disabled wdmcserver using -
update-rc.d wdmcserverd disable
(and I will never load another version of the firmware)

It’s amazing how common this problem has been for so many people over the years with no interest from WD in fixing it. Especially when it is a process that doesn’t seem to do anything useful but can create such a big problem.
Thanks for your help ‘Bennor’.