WD my Passport Virus problem

Hi, I am unable to retrieve data from my WD and my passport, since i had used it on someone else’s device and i fear it might get some virus. Folders show up when i connect it to my device but i can’t open or copy them. Please help me in this

You may use CMD to remove viruses from external hard drives without formatting them. In rare circumstances, using CMD to remove the virus from infected external storage devices might be helpful.

  • Firstly, plug your external drive into your machine

  • Then, go to the start menu There, in the search bar, type “cmd” And then, hit enter

  • Now, you will be able to see “cmd. exe” under the programs’ list For that, right-click on this “cmd. exe”.

  • After that, type in “attrib -h -r -s /s /d drive letter:*.”, for example, “attrib -h -r -s /s /d G:*.”.

  • Then, use CMD for recovering your files from the virus-infected external storage medium

  • After the above procedure, your MS Windows OS starts repairing your virus-infected drive and removes the virus from the external hard drive
    If you are unable to recover data then i would ask you to opt for some data recovery company like recuva or stellar data recovery.