Wd my passport 1tb constantly making problems

Hey, i bought the hd about a year ago, since then, every month or 2 I got the same problem repeating.

The hd is working great and then suddenly I connect him to my PC and the led switch on and not flashing like it suppose to. I can hear the hard drive working inside, but the computer doesn’t recognize it. 

At the first time I bought a new cable (micro b) and tried it, and it work. But the same problem showed up again a month after. Suddenly when I connect the hd the led is on and not blinking and the hard drive stop working.

This problem is now occurring at the third time.

I spent almost 50$ for new cables

it’s very very frustrating, because I got very important data on this hard drive, and I can’t afford waiting for the time that this problem wont be solved by a new cable. 

this is the hd I own:

what can I do? 

Please help people


You can try the suggestions provided on the following article.

WD external drive is not assigned a drive letter by Windows or Mac OSX and data on the drive is inaccessible
