WD my cloud apps, keeps loading on Ipad and Iphone

Hello All,

I just installed an My book live 2 To.

I updated the firmware to the latest rev.

I can access with my MacBook Air without any problem.

On my Ipad and Iphone, I installed the app ‘‘My Cloud’’, I can access to my public files but after a while, it wont access.

It sees the hard drive, but when I select it, it will load forever.

The only solution I found to make it work again, is to reboot the hard drive using the web interface ( .%C2%A0)

Somebody have a clue?


Check the router settings to verify if you have any firewall enabled that might be blocking the My cloud app. Also make sure you have the latest firmware installed on the My Book Live

Thanks for you coments but I tried all that before.

I returned the hard drive to Best buy for a refund. 

I dont have time to waste with semi-working equipement.