WD Live Hub and Wireless Access from a PC

HI there

I just bought a WD Live Hub. About to connect it up. Will connect hub to a wireless router in my house that is connected to the internet and also connect it to a HD TV via HDMI. I understand that I can copy files from a PC to the hub via a wired connection.

Can I also copy files from a PC to the hub through the wireless router by mapping to the hub’s drive? . It would be most convenient that way. The PC in question is running Microsoft Vista. If so, how can I go about it. Is there a KB article that refers to this ?


Wayne Hann

I set mine up over the weekend, ethernet to a BT Home hub, hdmi out via my home theatre.

In the first instance it’s best to connect your pc directly via ethernet to the WD Hub. This will give fastest possible transfer of files to the Hub drive. I found it best to copy and paste the Music, Photos, and Videos folders to new folders with similar names on the hub.

Do not use any of the hub automatic sync tools initially, and turn off library compilation for now, or you will be faced with hours of deletion and re-compilation.

Watch out if you have a Sony Vaio - it contains thousands of hidden jpgs in your media folders that the Vaio Content Analyser creates automatically, every album cover at every resolution imaginable multiplied by every track… Try and get rid of them first. They are a PITA to delete off the drive afterwards, took me hours to find them all. They all have filenames like vcm*.jpg thankfully.

Once you have copied the folders and files you want you can turn on the library compilation in the hub. It will take a while to compile.

Then you can connect the hub to your router by ethernet, and in future access it from your wireless pc as a network drive (use the WD Discover tool to set it up with a drive letter).

I didn’t have enought hdmi sockets left on my tv so I connected it via my blu-ray home theatre system. That works well enough and music is played through the speakers.

I have lots of mp4 music videos on the hub (sized for ipod video), they play fine through the blu-ray speakers and display is reasonable enough on my 42" plasma. I need to go find the original .flv versions for better resolution display.

The Hub library doesn’t have the best GUI (graphical user interface) it’s pretty much all-or-nothing and hard to navigate and sort. I would prefer something like the iTunes library, much more versatile. 

Don’t be tempted to download custom firmware, they are not designed for the WD TV Live hub and it will brick your unit, you will lose the internet functions such as Facebook and Youtube.

I have tried to set up WD Photos on my Android phone with limited success so far, often it struggles to access the network even on a remote wifi location. I am going to try the built in Twonky server I think, and the Twonky for Mobile app.

I played around with the network sync options but it seems you can only sync to one parent folder which is unworkable unless you are prepared to move all your media under one parent folder. it will sync to those pesky vcm files too, so I may be stuck with manual copying to the hub drive.

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Thanks for the very helpful explanation. It clears up lots of questions I had. Lots of food tips there. Thanks