I bought a 1tb green model SSD last year, but now this error appeared when performing a diagnosis, the “retired block count” error. I would like to know about this error, how to fix it, if it affects the files that are in it.

Google “retired block count” it’s not good.

Bad blocks are retired after the OS writes new data to them, or they could be pre-emptively retired if the SSD is able to read them after they have been marked as unreliable. In short, there is no data loss. However, I would backup your data and consider replacing the drive if the numbers are large, or if they are growing regularly.

Thanks for the clarification, I will monitor, if the number increases, I will make the exchange. I found it strange because I have other SSDs with much more time of use and that did not present such a problem.

Hey, I purchased a 1TB Green model SSD last year, and it has been working great until recently when I ran a diagnosis and encountered the “retired block count” error. I’m a bit concerned about what this error means and how it might impact my SSD’s performance and the files stored on it. I want to ensure the longevity of my site and safeguard my important files, so any guidance or suggestions on how to handle this situation would be incredibly helpful.

If your SSD is still under warranty, consider contacting the manufacturer’s support for scarlet apk guidance. They may offer a replacement if the drive is deemed faulty.

Bad blocks are inevitable with all SSD products and the controller transparently removes bad blocks from use, ignore the count as wear is slow

Since the retired block count error indicates potential issues with the SSD’s reliability, it’s important to back up any important data stored on the drive as soon as possible. This will help ensure that you don’t lose any important files capcut old version apk in case the SSD’s condition worsens over time.

Typically a SSD manages blocks transparently to the OS