WD general accounts is broken; PASSWORD RESET DOES NOT WORK

The general WD login recognizes my e-mail address but not my password and the password reset feature does NOT work (click to get e-mail with reset link and never get an e-mail). Login to WD generally and to forums (here) are apparently different.

Have an open Customer Support ticket and have received a reply but cannot reply to it – WHAT A $HIT SHOW. WD is competent enough to try to filter out dirty words but apparently not much else.

TY to WD. Filed a new Customer Support ticket (does not require an account login, like accessing an open ticket does), and was e-mailed a link (that works) to a reset dialog (that also works).

Hi @Saltman,

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

My 2nd posting of June 25 effectively answered yours of June 27. Not sure if it was you or another of the 4-5 WD tech’s I have communicated with (mostly regarding https://community.wd.com/t/unwanted-format-on-ex4100-on-1-drive-lost-all-shares-on-all-drives/284522/4) but in the last telephone call I requested that the support ticket for this account issue be closed. TY

Another victim of the keerti bot