WD EX4100 Firmware Update Failure

I have a WD EX4100 running 5.27.157. It says there is an update to 5.27.161 available.

Trying to install from the Home dashboard stalls at 23% complete, and eventually errors out.
Trying to install from the Settings->Firmware Update->Update Now also stalls at 23% and eventually errors out.
I downloaded WDMyCloudEX4100_5.27.161_prod.bin and when using Settings->Firmware Update->Manual Update->Update From File I get an error:
(A box with title: “Firmware Update Failed” and contents: “Firmware file not found. Please try again.”)

I’ve tested with:
Firefox on Windows
Firefox on Mac
Safari on Mac

I’ve rebooted the NAS twice.

What am i missing here?

Hi @ivmden,

Please refer to the KBA article to troubleshoot the issue: My Cloud OS 5: Firmware Update Failed Message

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

Thank you for the insight. It seems I have a bad disk.

In the hopes that my giving some feedback will be well received: this was a terrible experience.

  • I watch my drive health very carefully via the 4 LED’s on the front of the unit. I care A LOT for drive health and data safety. Prior to running the Quick Disk Check all 4 LED’s were blue. Now one is red.
  • In searching for results prior to posting to the forum, I saw comments about bad disks. I pulled up the SMART data and looked for issues. None were reported.
  • Clearly the NAS knew something was wrong, the update was failing after all. Why was the NAS not reporting more useful information?
  • Why are the SMART values not being updated more regularly?

I own 5 WD NAS units. 3 EX4, 2 EX2 and regularly recommend either option to friends and family for network storage. My parents have an EX2 and I regularly support it for them. Do I need to make a mental note to do regular manual disk tests on these?

Again. Thank you for the insight. I’m backing up data now to rebuild my RAID. Hopefully once a new disk is in place I can get the update installed.